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River Walk Bible Study
Thursday, 20 December 2007
River Walk page

Dakota Faith blog


Dakota Faith was written and produced to honor the faith of farmers and their descendants, who came to the upper Midwest for cheap farmland.  Their patriotism, loyalty and hard work built this nation.  Produce from their farms fed the world – in so many ways.


And though they made their home on the prairies of the nation’s heartland, they looked for Jesus’ return to take them home.  My book, When the End Times Come explains how America fits into last day prophecies.  The anti-Christ system is already in place.  In When the End Times Come, Satan’s final kingdom is identified – and it may shock the reader.  This book is available as an e-book for only $10 post paid.  In Feb 2008, the paperback will be released at a cost of $17.50  Contact


Faith can get us through hard times.  The main character of Taming the Dragon, a novel about WWII, demonstrates how that can happen.  Her exciting life in a war zone required a strength only available through Christ.  Read how her faith in action helps to change the life of people around her in China and Burma as that area is being over run by the Japanese.  Taming the Dragon is also available as an e-book for $10 post paid.  It won’t be released in paperback until summer of 2008.  Contact And checkout my album page for more details.


If you like the music from the Bible Study, order that as a CD, for $15 post paid.  Contact  While you’re composing that email, do not hesitate to order copies of the show on DVD.  Each one costs $15 post paid.


Posted by author5501 at 12:59 PM EST
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