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Low sodium (salt):


             Those patients who are more “salt sensitive”, monitoring the amount of dietary sodium is an essential in management of blood pressure. Eliminating salt, bacon, lunch meat, canned soap, and chips can be a major ordeal if those items are staples in diet. Trying a variety of foods is one way to broaden patients tastes to include low sodium items in diet such as combining with spicy taste.

             Excessive  salt intake can cause accumulation of water in body. So, excessive fluids in body can cause wall of artery swelling. This swelling can make take blood vessel become smaller. High level of sodium also can concentrated the blood. Small blood vessel and concentrated blood thus can increase high blood pressure.  



Regular exercise:


             Activities such jogging, cycling, swimming, aerobic, gardening, even walking can helps reduce the high blood pressure. The optimum activity of exercise is 30 minutes as frequent in a week. More blood flow is needed during exercise, the body should reduce the level of resistance to blood flow within blood vessels to meet this demand. Thus diastolic pressure should reduced. In some people with hypertension the normal mechanism to lower diastolic pressure during exercise is faulty and diastolic may rise.

             Immediately after exercise, most people will experience a postexercise hypotension or lowering blood pressure. This can occur with an exercise interval as short 10 minutes at low exercise intensity. In general a 5-7 mmHg reduction in blood pressure in blood pressure for up to 24 hours after exercise. Some researchers believe this is basic mechanism for the reduction of blood pressure seen with programs of regular exercise. Furthermore, the researcher found that the simple awareness of this phenomenon by people with hypertension helps t promote their adherence to their individual training program.




· Quit smoking

· Reduce coffee intake

· Reduce stress