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Pond design in Dallas, TX takes a bit of planning, but if you do it right, then you will have a true gem on your hands. So how do you go about planning for all of the details?


First, consider your surroundings. You will need to make sure the size is right for your property. If it is too big, it can overwhelm things and won't leave enough room for additional scenery like plants and seating arrangements.


The size will likely be somewhat dependant upon the placement of your body of water. If it is tucked into a corner of your property, you may not be able to get full potential of its size without creating an odd shape.


Of course, the shape is another big factor. Do you want to create a more orderly and traditional shape by using straight lines or a perfect circle? Maybe you want more of a natural shape that has nice flow to it. Whatever shape you decide on, make sure it compliments its surroundings so it doesn't become an awkward rather than an attractive feature.


You will need to figure out how to keep the water levels up, which is why you should consider installing a liner. There are many different sizes and shapes out there if you want to go for a hard liner, or you could choose a material that will bend and sway to any shape you choose. Just make sure you prepare the ground appropriately for whatever liner you choose.


Your pond design in Dallas, TX should include a fountain of some sort. These things help keep the water healthy while providing added beauty and serenity to your landscape.


So take the time to plan things out appropriately, and you will end up with a beautiful piece of property that will be appreciated by all.