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M's Artistic Mettle
Jewelry Biker's Links Treasures Gallery Rosaries
Earrings Friends Links Stone Candle Holders Metal Information

Please bear with us as our site is under construction.

Each piece at Artistic Mettle is unique as it has been handcrafted and made to order by M. Using various types of metal wire, she winds and cuts, by hand, each ring to create the most consistent and flush chains possible. Nearly all pieces may be varied by length and/or materials, according to customer specification. Pricing will vary accordingly.

Optional materials: Silver-Plated copper wire*, Copper, Brass, Argentium Sterling Silver, or Gold. Gold prices fluctuate with market value.

*Note: The Silver plating on the copper wire will eventually wear off, exposing the copper beneath. The resulting patina effect gives the metal a delightful antique look. The underlying copper of the wire will tarnish, but can be cleaned with a commercial cleaner such as Brasso, to shine it up if you prefer a brighter look.

The stones used for the stone candle holders have been found throughout the wilderness areas of Vermont and fitted together to create unique platforms to enhance your candle-light moments.

Please email us with questions about orders and prices

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