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-- ( t i m e l e s s ) --

.. link here
.. link here
.. link here
.. link here
.. link here
.. link here
.. link here
.. Appassionato

About the Layout

Well... I guess this layout didn't really turn out the way I had planned in my mind. Firstly, I think that the effects at the top is actually quite nice but somehow I ruined it. The mistake I had made during the design stage was that I had made the navigation bar too thin and the content column to wide; so excuses about that.

This is the first time I had made a layout out of an abstract design I created myself and I'm still trying to get used to working with abstracts. It does feel a bit more different.

And... I suppose... It's the matrix effect on the image that made me decide I'll call this layout Timeless. I meant for this to be a Flash layout in fact... But my flash program ruins the image quality - so I decided not.


Like most typical DIV layouts, this is a very-easy-to-edit one. The only thing that is quite different is that there is a main title in a separate div where it says -- ( t i m e l e s s ) -- at the moment - that is the title of each page.

So basically, if you have any problems, mail me at

Credits and Disclaimer

Note that every part of this layout is created by C. Rilla of Appassionato and there is to be no stealing or distributing for your own benefits. If you are going to use this layout, provide a link back to Appassionato.

Layout/Design © Rilla - Appassionato
Site owned by YOURNAME