Record of Criminal and Civil Charges

Rabbi Ariel Ben Yaakov Shlita,



The US Government, US Department of Justice, FBI, et al,



Charges: Abuse of Power to Rob and Persecute Innocent Poor Jew, Libel,

   Framed Incarcerations, Torture, Spying, Espionage, Attempted Murder


Summery of Action:

            This is a record of violations committed by the US Department of Justice, including federal courts and FBI, where modern American Nazis of German background, anti-Semites and criminals in these US government departments, especially the FBI, willfully and grossly abused their power to oppress and persecute, libel, frame, torture and attempt to murder an innocent, Righteous, fair, honest, kind, religiously devout Jew, who is a BSEE graduate of the Technion in Haifa, was senior engineer at Raytheon Corporation Missile Systems Division, is now an ordained Rabbi, a spokesman and protector of children's rights, woman's rights and human rights, a class-A rated musician, singer and songwriter, a descendant of king David, and has contributed immense amounts of good to the Jewish community, the military defense of Israel, the world, and Israel, and is a recognized military leader in Israel.

The conflict started when Mafia owned record companies in the New York Metro area infringed his music song copyrights, he sued them in the Southern District Court of New York (SDNY) court, and they violated his civil rights to the profits of his intellectual property by title 17 of US federal code. Appeals were filed in the second circuit appellant and US supreme courts. The US Department of Justice, including the FBI, routinely denied their wrongdoing and crimes. He sued the US Department of Justice in civil rights actions. They then moved to libel and frame him into incarceration with unproven baseless claims are motivated by hatred, maliciousness, iniquitous gain in his blood, fascistic Nazi like anti-religious hostility and crude raw anti-Semitism. They attempted to remove his constitutional right to bear arms to defend himself at a time when they knew that very dangerous and murderous people were trying to murder him, and thus they attempted to accomplice his murder, and are accessory to attempted murder. People who did try to murder him sere executed by extrajudicial police actions supported by citizens, people in the government, friends, Mafia and the military. They exploited irreligious Jews in the system to persecute him as a religious Jew. When he moved to Israel and publicized the US government's corruption they then moved to further persecute him. Being important to the security of the State of Israel, descendants of Americanized German Nazis and anti-Semite enemies of the Jewish people, now working in the US government, attempted to persecute him further with a 'request for criminal prosecution in Israel'. In this document the US government denies the plaintiff's key civil rights violations case against them titled  Eric Spiegelman Versus the US Department of Justice, et al, and Eric Ariel Spiegelman Versus Theodore H. Katz, Deborah A. Batts, et al Civil Action Number 95 – 6180 (MTB). This is proof of the US government's cover up, deceit, lies, manipulation, misleading the Israeli government, and abuse of the Israeli criminal Justice System.

This document is distributed so that the courts and military can eradicate the wrongdoers and enemies of Israel who are committing these crimes against him and threatening the security of the State of Israel. It is to expose and publicize modern Nazis in the United States government.


"I will Lay My Vengeance Against Edom (modern Rome/ Amalek in the US, West, Arabia) by the hand of My people Israel" – Ezekiel 25:14


Identity of Plaintiff and Victim of this Action:

I, the plaintiff and the victim in this case, a duel citizen of Israel and the US, was born on Rosh HaShana, 5763 (September 29, 1962) and am known by my name Rabbi Ariel Ben Yaakov of Tsfat and Jerusalem, Israel, the Kiriah, Tel Aviv, Maarechet haBitachone and Rafael Ltd (where some of my weapons patents are developed for Israel). I am also known in Scarsdale (Heathcote School), Bronxville, Manhattan (Anglo American School of NY) and Brooklyn, NY (Mini Circuit Labs), and Raytheon Missile Systems Division (Senior Engineer 1997), Boston, as Eric Spiegelman. I am known in the US music industry by my stage name Eric Alrich (See Rolling Stone Magaazine reviews for my CD Review), and at Kibbutz Maagan Michael (also Sdot Yam and Beerot Yitchak) and the Technion (BSEE 1987), Haifa, as Arik Shpeigelman. See my resume, copy of Technion diploma and Rabbinic recommendations attached herein. These documents indicate that I am an accomplished and important Jewish person dedicated to Israel, Torah and Hashem who has proven many times over that I am essential and vital to the well being, health, military defense and spiritual elevation of Israel. Some who is a danger to me is a clear and present danger to Israel and the security of the State of Israel.

General Background and History:

            In the wake of WWII, German prisoners of war held in camps in the United States (Texas) were made citizens of the US. Many of these Germans were received by German-Americans and made US citizens. Many of them educated their Nazi beliefs to their children and grandchildren, many of whom were incorporated into the United States government, military (particularly missiles), industry and the FBI. From their inception, the FBI learned their espionage and intelligence gathering tactics from the German Nazi Gestapo. There are now children and grandchildren of some of these Americanized German Nazis in the FBI and US government who abuse the system to persecute innocent Jews, of which the plaintiff in this case is one. By looking at the family names of the US government officials in this case, one sees that many of them are of German descent, or WASPS (White Anglo Saxon Protestants); descended Germanic Anglo-Saxon tribes. A friend of mine spied on them and reported that the government officials in this case who are abusing their power are in fact Nazis and Anti-Semites, although not all German Americans are Nazis, and many German Americans and Germans are staunchly opposed to the Nazis. Germany and Nazis were in WWI and WWII, and many still are, the arch enemy of the United States, and tried to destroy the United States by developing rockets and the V-Wing Bomber in WWII.

The record shows that corrupt public officials cited in this case have tactics and character traits that are the same as the German Nazi Gestapo: lies, deceit, abuse of authority, and manipulating Jews to harm other Jews; just as the Nazis did during the holocaust where they used Jewish Capos (either: goyim living amongst the Jews, intentionally wicked Erev Rav Jews who willfully mean harm, wicked Jews who aren’t Erev Rav, or unsuspecting good intentioned Jews who have been tricked and deceived) to infiltrate, confuse, misinform, mislead, round up and inform on other Jews. The town of Ridgefield, New Jersey, where I resided during the time of the actions, was the center of the German Nazi American Bund during world war two, where they drove the Jews out of Ridgefield at the time, and when I lived there the local gun stole sold Nazi Lugars and rifles and Nazi war memorabilia (as well as Israeli manufactured ammunition), and the logo of the police on their squad cars was "From Order to Chaos" (the result of an alleged printers mistake). The Ridgefield police controlled the radio communications hub for the entire area.

In their lie, many American and German Nazis deny today that the holocaust ever happened, including where they murdered US POWs detained in their concentration camps. As an example of the Nazis deceit in how they destroyed the Jews, they told the Jews in Europe that they were being transferred to the East on trains, where they were in fact being brought to death camps. Even when the Jews were getting off the trains, the German Nazis told them that they were going to take a shower, where in fact they were being brought into gas chambers. This case is an example of the same type of deceit they used to trick the Jews and the US court system to persecute an innocent Jew. They tricked the Jews again; who were predisposed to their bias in directing their frustration against a religious Jew who they didn’t understand, that they didn’t even notice that they were being deceived and manipulated by Nazis in the US government. These Nazis and Anti-Semites lied, fabricated 'evidences', tricked, deceived and stole and abused authority to persecute innocent people. By Torah law they should be executed. According to the Torah, the evil race of Amalek uses Erev Rav to subjugate Israel, by robbing the authority of Israel's true leaders: the House of David and the Wise Elders. In addition to being Nazis, the criminals in the US government that committed these crimes strikingly resemble Amalek. Evil that is characteristic of Amalek includes: abusing power and authority to commit injustice, libeling the Righteous, persecuting the innocent, molesting children, desecrating Hashem's Holy Name and breaking His Holy Torah Laws, libeling Jews, throwing off the Yoke of Heaven, robbing the poor, murdering and framing the innocent, defaming belief in Hashem and Torah such as calling it delusion or mental illness. See Appendix for more information on Amalek.

They all now face Divine Retribution by the Wrath of the God of Israel for their abominations of injustice by His now hitting them Hard with the death plague of AIDS and the inevitable sword of Iran, which will devastate all their abominate society and wicked culture. Hashem will smash them, and 'through his people Israel'.      

Particular Background and History of this Case:

Since 1993, Anti-Semites, Nazis, and criminals in the establishment in the United States and Israel, often exploiting compromised Jews in the USA and Israel, have been waging a systematic Nazi Gestapo like campaign of intentional oppression and defamation against me, of wholly malicious and anti-Semitic nature, based on anti-Semitic and other baseless hatred, and iniquitous gain in my blood. They have committed serious crimes including rampant abuse of power to oppress and persecute innocent Jew, libel, defamation of character, framed incarcerations, torture and attempted murder. Some of my friends, colleagues, brothers, and allies in the US and Israeli intelligence community and military systems, Police, Mafia, various US and Israeli government bodies, and society at large, have executed some of them, due to the gross criminal failure of the criminal justice system to prosecute them. Hashem, the God of Israel, a God of Justice, who sees and knows all, has plagued all my enemies and detractors with AIDS, a plague disease to which I discovered and control the cure, and no enemy of mine will stand in the end, only friends, allies and supporters.


Facts of the Record in this Case (Documents of Evidence Provided in the Appendix):

Record Companies Infringed my Servicemark and Copyrights

            The attached copy of the complaint in the Appendix, Eric Spiegelman VS Warner Bros. Records 94 Civ. 8070 (DAB), demonstrates that I am the sole and exclusive owner of the servicemark "Covenent" at the time of the complaint.

            The attached copies of my letter by my stage name Eric Alrich to Warner Bros. Records and copies of the return letters from Warner Bros. Records, Geffen Record and Columbia records, demonstrate that these record companies received copies of tape recording of my music and songs performed by my band Covenent.

            The copy of the attached complaint in the Appendix, Eric Spiegelman VS Warner Bros. Records 94 Civ. 8070 (DAB), proves conclusively that Warner Brothers Records infringed my servicemark Covenent, and, by US law title 15, owes me civil damages.


The Court Improperly Dismisses the Cases and Libels Plaintiff to Cover Up

            On May 5, 1995, judge Deborah Batts, of the Southern District federal court of New York (SDNY), improperly dismissed my case. Other copyright infringements suits that I filed in this court at this time were also improperly dismissed (Eric Spiegelman VS Reprise Records 94 Civ. 4763 (JSM), and Eric Spiegelman VS SONY Music Entertainment 94 Civ. 5657 (AGS)). The lawyers defending the record companies, David Shontz and David Satnic, both from the form Loeb and Loeb, had previously worked for the SDNY court as a clerk and NYC district attorneys' office; a clear violation of interests and law in their defending the record companies. Since I had proven my cases as the record show here regarding Warners, they resorted to lying profusely on record, perjury, false allegations, numerous and gross misrepresentations of the record, slandering me, bearing false witness, bribing corrupt court officials, and defamation of my religious beliefs as a religious Jew. They began to set me up and libeled me in writing that I was a mentally ill Jew with 'delusions' who had filed 'frivolous' cases against the record companies. I began to remind, educate and warn them that Hashem, the God of Israel, is King, and as a God of Justice, He will eventually punish them for their sins at some point in time, and they will have to pay, in some way or another. I emphasized in writing that this was in no way whatsoever a personal threat to them by me personally, but that the God of Israel will punish them at one point in time, and they will have to pay, in some way or another. They all now have AIDS, the Oklahoma federal buildings and the 911 world trade center buildings (a Mafia operations HQ) were blown up, and now Iran is targeting the very US cities, and Venezuela, an ally of Iran, is also going to war against the US for their injustice. Amnesty International reports that the United States Government is rampant in violating US citizens rights all the time and the US government is on their list for international violators of human rights.   


The court record indicated that all cases in the SDNY filed by artists against record companies filed at this time were dismissed. The book "Hit Men, Power Brokers of the Music Industry" by Mr. Fredrick Dannon, details the history of Mafia, FBI and US federal court and government involvement with the music industry, including Mafia murders and US government corruption involved with covering up crimes against artists in the music industry. In the period I litigated my cases, artists (including George Michael, Michael Jackson, Kurt Cobain (RIP) and the lead singer of 'Alice in Chains' (RIP) publicly complained against record companies withholding monies owed to them according to their record contracts and copy rights. Some four artists and the president of Warner Brothers Records were known to be murdered during this period. Immediately when my cases were filed on the court record I received threats from the Mafia to drop the charges right out of the court house where their people received the complaints.


Mafia Hit Squad is Executed for Attempted Murder

On May 5th, 1995, when I left the court session in the SDNY against Warner Brothers Records, that judge Batts improperly and illegally dismissed, a Mafia hit squad attempted to murder me on the bus from Port Authority, NYC, going to New Jersey, and was subsequently entirely executed with no survivors, and their Italian squad commander, who was captured and interrogated from more information on his criminal. I politely sat beside him in the bus terminal and told him, as he looked on in shock regarding what was happening, that 'Hashem, the God of Israel, the God of Justice, is the King around here'. They did not know what hit them. Although they did not do it, the Mosad and certain Rabbis, in Monsey, NY, were aware of the executions of my enemies in the New York Metro Area that day. The FBI began to fear me and use other Jews to try to get to me. These allegations can only be confirmed by people with deep and trusted contacts in the intelligence community.


My some twenty infringed song copyrights over seventy million dollars for the music industry at a time when they had a lot of decent performing artists with a serious lack of good song material. I was a wellspring of good music for them. In 1994 the record industry was positioning themselves in a bidding war for me as an artist, and many of them would kill in order to control and protect me.


The Court, FBI and US Attorneys Deny All Charges of Judicial Misconduct

            I filed numerous complaints to the SDNY court for judicial misconduct regarding all three cases but all of the complaints were routinely and improperly dismissed and denied by the court.


            During this whole period, the FBI, White House and Ridgefield NJ (where I was residing at the time) police (detective Stoltenberg) and local courts were denying the charges I was informing them on, and were working hand in hand with my Mafia enemies at times (some of whom lived across the street from me on 571 Art Lane, Ridgefield, NJ, Bill Miller, et al). Ridgefield police shut off the burglar alarm to my house and railroaded me to the mental hospital instead of prosecuting Bill Miller for harassment by attempting to run me over with his van in the street. Ridgefield police detective Richard Stoltenberg and FBI special agent Peterson tried gaining entrance illegally into my house on 571 Art Lane to search for weapons with out a search warrant but were prevented. Attempting to remove my constitutional right to bear arms to defend myself at a time when they knew that people were trying to murder me thus makes them accessory to attempted murder along with the FBI. Friends of mine in the Mafia were working with other friends in the government to counter these anti-Semitic criminal enemies of mine. The FBI noted that my enemies in the Mafia were being exterminated on the street level that they observed and claimed that this as a deadly and dangerous Mafia war that they were afraid to enter into in fear of being killed themselves, but that was not the full reality. This was an anti-Semitic war against the Jewish people, Torah and Hashem, committed by anti-Semites in the FBI, courts, police, government, and Mafia, in the US, in collusion with the Erev Rav (compromised Jews who sell out and work for the goyim) and we true Jews and our supporters of Israel were uniting and fighting back and executing these murderous criminals. May they all be erased soon. I offer my thanks to all those who were righteous and helped justice prevail to some extent.

            I filed a fourth case for copyright infringement, including some 15 copyright infringements, titled Eric Spiegelman VS AOL Time Warner et al but the SDNY chief judge, Thomas Greise, filed an order preventing me from filing any more law suits in that court. When Judge Griese was a judge in the federal court in Newark, NJ, he dismissed all cases filed against record companies as well, as documented in the book "Hit Men, Power Brokers of the Music Industry" by Mr. Fredrick Dannon.  


Proof of Civil Rights Violations Committed by Justice Department is Filed

            On May 15, 1995, I filed a case in the District of New Jersey titled Eric Spiegelman Versus the US Department of Justice, FBI, et al, and the other titled Eric Ariel Spiegelman Versus Theodore H. Katz, Deborah A. Batts, William Delaney, Loeb and Loeb, Warner Bros. Record, et al Civil Action Number 95 – 6180 (MTB). See the attached copy of this complaint in the Appendix. In October 1995, I filed a larger and more comprehensive complaint for civil rights violations in the SDNY and federal district of New Jersey, against the US Government, including most all of the US Department of Justice, FBI, et al, involved with violating my civil rights. Defendants in both these cases include the US federal judges, FBI, police, and other US Justice Department officials who were instrumental in willfully violating my civil rights, abusing their power to corrupt justice, libeling me, eavesdropping and spying on me for iniquitous and unjust purposes, interfering with my family relations, defaming my character, slandering my religious beliefs as a religious Jew, framing me in baseless and harassing incarcerations, attempted conspiracy to murder, etc..

Amongst these corrupt government officials and anti-Smites, listed in my complaints, many of them of Americans of German descent (it is know the FBI and NY and NJ police have Neo-Nazis of German descent), who signed on the persecution against me include:

US Federal judges: Deborah Batts, John Martin, Theodore Katz, James C. Francis IV

Federal court assistants: William Delaney, Karen Harris, James M. Parkenson

FBI: James Kallstrom, Laura Hanlin, William Duff, John Collingwood, Lois Freeh, William Bollinger, Nestor A Pujolis, Donna Stephenson,Don Ackerman, Barry Mawn

US Attorneys: Mary Jo White, Aitan D. Goelman, Daniel M. Gilner

US Department of Justice: Lois J. Radak, Jo Anne Farrington,

            Eventually, SDNY chief magistrate judge James C. Francis IV further aggravated the crimes and persecution against me and signed the federal warrant for arrest against me on June 24, 1998.


US Government Covers Up their Guilt by Libeling, Incarcerating and Being Accomplice to Attempted Murder the Righteous Jewish Plaintiff

            After I filed the complaints for civil rights violations against the US Government, US Department of Justice, FBI, et al, they decided to get rid of me, like Gestapo Nazis getting rid of a Jew. But, they had a problem, how could they make me disappear with no one noticing? So they decided to manipulate my family to go against me using the information they had acquired by spying on me, and of course, again used a Jew (anti-religious) against a Jew (religious). In December of 1995, FBI agent Laura Hanlin and US Attorney Michael Horowitz approached my parents and tried persuading them to put me into a mental hospital in the Mid Western United States, away from where anyone could see me or visit me, to dispose of me 'legally', as the Nazis has done to Jews in Europe. They defamed me with slander behind my back, took advantage of my parents dislike for my religious views as an orthodox Jew, exploited my parent's weak points which the FBI had observed by their spying on me (which the Request for Criminal Prosecution in Israel attached herein clearly demonstrates), and pressured them. Attorney Olga Berde Mahl represented my parents at the meeting. Like the FBI Neo-Nazis, the Nazis in Europe also worked with 'Jews' called Capos during the holocaust in order to catch other Jews. The tactics of the FBI are the same as the Nazis, because there are well hidden Nazis in the FBI behind all of this. The fingerprints of their methodology, use of deceit and lies, and tactics are all over this anti-Semitic attack and manipulation of Jews to harm other Jews. My parents did not buckle under their pressure and manipulation and refused at that time.


            In order to defeat my enemies and the criminals threatening me, I influenced the reinstatement of the death penalty for murder in New York State that year and governor Cuomo was replaced with Pataki to do so.


I moved to Monsey, New York, on January First, 1996, to live in a religious Jewish community. The FBI attempted to arrest me, since crossing state lines now put me in their federal jurisdiction, and they wanted to use that as an excuse. A massive snow storm stopped them. Hashem was Protecting me with Divine Intervention. FBI agents (Gary X and Eliyahoo X) in Monsey stationed at Kaal Yaakov Yeshiva broke into my apartment with three other young men from thee Yeshiva and attacked me their. Police intervened, and then later arrested me, and once again searched my apartment for weapons. During that period of time I was working on protecting children from pedophiles and ostensibly pedophiles in the police, FBI and government were now threatened by that too. As a Rabbi, I publicly signed on my support death penalty for pedophiles with AIDS and pederasty because they are murders and homosexual rapists and deserve death by Torah law. Many police, IDF, US and Russian Army, Rabbinate and Mosad have joined in this cause. They will be blessed by Heaven greatly.


            Like was done in Ridgefield, in conjunction with the FBI, the Ramapo police in jurisdiction of Monsey searched my apartment for weapons and thus attempted to remove my constitutional right to bear arms to defend myself at a time when they knew that people were trying to murder me, and thus they attempted to accomplice his murder, and are accessory to attempted murder along with the FBI.


Righteous Jewish Plaintiff is Railroaded in Mental Hospital and Chemically Tortured

Upon returning to my birth place, Massachusetts, in the Spring of 1996, at my mothers house on cape Cod, the FBI's Nazi tactics of manipulation finally worked. Their deceit and coercion tactics of manipulation finally succeeding in pressuring my then vulnerable parents into railroading me into Taunton State Mental hospital where they injected horrific chemicals into my body against my will and I was chemical tortured in excruciating pain for seven long months. The psychiatrist in charge, Dr. Taylor (a former atheist), decided to release me because when he and his family went on a boating trip during my incarceration, and, Hashem sent a storm at sea and almost killed them, and his child asked ' Why is god doing this to us? Is He going to kill us?', he then realized he was being punished and could be killed by Hashem if he didn’t release me. He signed my release immediately when he returned from the boating trip. My religious beliefs in the Torah were often questioned and misrepresented and slandered as mental illness until Hashem just made it clear to the psychiatrist in charge that he was going to kill him and his entire family unless he pays due respect and release me with apologies. The same is going to happen to everyone else as well. Later that year, for some reason, a Massachusetts State policeman (who is friends with one of friends from the mental hospital) stopped him for no reason while driving his car, and in his own words, 'the Neanderthal stopped me in my car, arrested me for no reason, beat me with his club, told the judge I attacked him, and threw me into jail'. Even at the hospital, my friend Manny Roses' (a homicidal maniac former heroin addict and Baal Tshuva from the Mafia) father, a Mafia capo who visited his son at the hospital and met me, noticed that I was sane and could not believe that I was actually a patient; he thought I was a doctor at first. One of the nurses brought me Kosher food and quit in protest of the crime against me. Mafia decided to consider killing the anti-Semites in the FBI who did this to me, and later IDF senior staff gave me the same offer, including killing enemies in the Mosad, FBI and police. SDNY special agent Barry Mawn was assigned to my case in NY, followed me to Boston in 1997, and then was made FBI director of the SDNY. He was given publicity, for some reason, in the Jerusalem Post as an important Mafia buster in the US, where in fact he really only arrested small time Mafia, likely at the bequest of the Mafia, and possibly the Mafia council itself.


Upon release, I accepted an offer by the Raytheon Missile Systems Division in Massachusetts and a senior engineer, working with secret and classified missile systems, satellite, and radar, passed the medical exams and security clearance (providing them all the documentation and evidences of these cases, where they too recognized that I was set up and framed by criminals in the government), thus clearly proving reliability, credibility and that I a was always totally mentally healthy and telling the truth in all my statements, my incarceration was a severe violation of my rights, I was libeled, maliciously framed and railroaded into incarceration, the doctors committed gross medical malpractice, and needs to be compensated by damages.


            In 1998 I moved to Israel to study Torah and became ordained as a Rabbi in 2007 by Rav HaTzadik Dov Kook HaCohen Shlita, chief Rabbinic judge of Tiberia, where the Sanhedrin convened two thousand years ago. The newly convened Sanhedrin in Israel, offered me a position as well, as a Sanhedrin judge. I passed the offer but think it will be relevant at a later time.


            In 1998, I publicized the herein stated crimes of the US government against me on the Internet, and distributed the message to hundreds of thousands of people all overt he world and in particular the US and Israel. I also designed weapons patents for Israel, making Israel the number one military power in the world, which I plan on keeping it that way. The anti-Semites, enemies of Israel, and the criminals I exposed in the US government and their Mafia friends were not happy with these achievements of Justice and greatness on my and Israel's part. They sought revenge. They sought to dominate Israel. They seek to destroy Israel.


FBI Agents Spy on and Sabotage the Righteous Jew in Israel

            While living on Har Tzion in 1998, the FBI sent NJ special agent Edgerton to investigate the Yeshiva. Hashem almost killed him with a disease and he was kicked out of the Yeshiva for missionizing Christianity. I was arrested and harassed by the Yeshiva administration and arrested by false charges by the Jaffa gate police. On June 24, 1998, in their malicious criminal revenge, abuse of the US and Israeli justice systems, and attempt to frame a Righteous Jew, SDNY chief magistrate judge James C. Francis IV, supporting documents signed by US Attorney Daniel M. Gilner and FBI agent William T. Bollinger, signed a federal warrant for my arrest. See copy with Francis signature.


US Government Lies to Israel and Abuses their System to Persecute Innocent Jew in Israel

            The US Department of Justice, SDNY and Washington, whom I had previously filed law suits for civil rights against them, then moved to take a further step in trying to cover up their crimes that I had exposed. On October 22, 1999, the US government, US attorney's office, using assistant US attorney Aitan D. Goelman, filed a 'request for criminal prosecution in Israel' against me. This was an unjust, malicious, anti-Semitic and dangerous attack against me personally and the Israeli people. It was filled with deceit, lies, manipulation of Jew against Jew, and a record of their abuse of the system to persecute an innocent Jew; just as they their vile abominate Nazi teachers had taught them so well to do.

The US government lied to, deceived, mislead, misinformed, and abused the Israeli court system and police to persecute an innocent Jew. They manipulated unsuspecting and compromised Jews to commit gross injustice against a fellow Jew, and cause conflict, hatred, and violence between me, the Israeli police, and other Jews. These American Nazis in the US government wanted to extradite me and frame me into a twenty year federal prison term in the US (Chas viShalom), and used innocently unsuspecting and wicked Erev Rav Jews to try to do it, just like the Nazis uses Capos in the holocaust to get other Jews. Again, the identical methods of the Nazis and the FBI (lies, deceit, abusing authority and manipulating Jew against Jew) indicate that the people in the US government are in fact Nazis who are abusing the government system in Israel and the USA to try to destroy a righteous and Holy Rabbi. See the attached copy of the US government's reprehensible 'request for criminal prosecution in Israel'.


The US 'Request for Criminal Prosecution in Israel' is Filled with Lies and Deceptions

The 'request for criminal prosecution in Israel' gives the US department of Justices' version of the events, and VERY NOTICABLY OMITS ALL MENTION OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATIONS LAW SUITS THAT I FILED AGAINT THEM, THE COMPLAINTS OF JUDICIAL MISCONDUCT, AND THE MERIT, JUSTICE AND TRUTH OF MY COMPLAINTS. The request was based on a series of well concocted lies, fabrications, and deception by the anti-Semitic Nazi Jew haters. See the attached copy of the case the United States government intentionally hid from vied of the Israeli courts and police titled 'Eric Ariel Spiegelman Versus Theodore H. Katz, Deborah A. Batts, et al Civil Action Number 95 – 6180 (MTB)'. They covered up this information so that the Israeli courts would not know that there true intentions are malicious, anti-Semitic and fully criminal. It is obvious that lack of this case being considered in a good judges considerations severely slants justice against the righteous party in this case, being me. By Torah law the Gentiles who commit such crimes should be executed with no mercy. This is a further documentation of their cover up. This attack is a danger to me, and Israel, as I am vital to Israel's security. These enemies must be eliminated. The question must be asked if the alleged writer of the document, Aitan Goelman, was aware of my civil rights actions again the US government and purposely denied this case from the record, or, was some other malicious party or anti-Semite responsible for striking this case from the record and making him unaware of it Are these cases even listed on the US governments record or did they strike them from the record in their criminal cover up of their vicious guilt and Nazi like crimes against me.

This 'request for criminal prosecution in Israel' was used the US government Neo-Nazis in the US Department of Justice, the FBI, and their Erev Rav Capos, to incite conflict and violence in Israel between me, the police and people in the system. They incited baseless hatred and violence between Jews. The police and judges as well deserve to be paid serious compensation for the anguish caused them, and the Israeli system reimbursed with double damages for the abuse the Israeli criminal system that the US government committed against Israel and the Jewish people. The police and the judges deserve to be paid damages for the US government's abusing them, their integrity, tarnishing their names, and stealing their time. The request for criminal prosecution in Israel caused many people in the police and government in Israel to suffer greatly and die needlessly. They also undermined the security of Israeli by slandering my name and undermining my authority as a leader of Israel, from the House of David, vital to the security of the country, in addition to other aspects vital to Israel. This was a well disguised attack on Israel, and like the Annapolis, Wye or Oslo conferences, where the Neo-Nazi Amalekite anti-Semites of the modern Roman American government, they deceptively disguised their genocide plans for Israel under the guise and ruse of a 'peace plan'.

The claims of the 'request for criminal prosecution in Israel' has no basis nor any real evidence beyond a reasonable doubt of any 'threats to public officials' they claim (page 6) to their criminals in their 'justice system'. They have no real proof of any such threats. All documents they provide to try to support their abominate frame up claims could easily be manufactured by any one on any printer. They are welcome to check my printer if they choose. The fact that they make this claim in response to my exposing their crimes on the Internet further demonstrates their vindictive and malicious anti-Semitic criminal motives of revenge, abuse of the system, and persecution of an innocent and Righteous Jew. How could they have known to collect and gather all the different alleged threatening letters to the public officials unless they sent them themselves? Evidence shows that in fact it seems that they sent these letters, in a language typical of my language that their FBI analysts had studied and knew how to reproduce and fabricate. Furthermore, on page 8 quote me where I stated on the record in 1995 that I am not threatening anyone but Hashem will punish sinners, as the Torah command the execution of goyim who commit such crimes as they did, and I do in fact support their eradication from society as per Hashem's Torah law, and someone who wants to and is able to do the Mitzvah will come along and do the Mitzvah of righteously executing them for their crimes. Hashem will make that happen for all these vile abominate scum who support their evil, for Hashem is King of ALL the world, and He will uphold Justice in according to His Torah, and so will we.  I am innocent. They are guilty and will pay, as Hashem is King, not them.

Another shabby and weakly supported frame up false testimony that this 'request for criminal prosecution in Israel' ejaculates on page 10 is an alleged FBI acquired testimony of my sister Maia Hunter who the FBI claims made claims against me. In any case, for the record it must be noted that Maia, has had manic depression and has been a serious drug and alcohol abuser since the age of twelve. She has since them been delusional and psychotic and has required hospitalizations in order to function. She was also abusive to me when I was a child and I needed therapy to overcome my fear of woman as a result until the age of thirty. Her testimony, if there is any and the FBI isn't lying again, is totally invalid and inadmissible. She is disqualified as a witness and the FBI and government has no witnesses because I never committed any crime.

The 'request for criminal prosecution in Israel', on page 7, also goes out of its way to cover up the fact that I am a top level singer songwriter producer guitarist by claiming that I was an 'amateur musician and songwriter'. With all the FBI's spying on me you would have thought that they would have at least gotten that straight. In fact, I have playing guitar, singing and performing before audiences since the age of ten, wrote and own over eighty song copyrights (music and lyrics); wrote and performed and produced three CD albums, one of which appears in Rolling Stone Magazine reviews; am highly recognized by over hundreds who have seen me perform, was rated by the music industry as a top lead guitarist in the United States and am rated by rock music critic David Benji as "no less than Jimi Page (of Led Zeppelin) on both acoustic and electric guitars, with a true blues base". Master guitarists and people who know what they are taking about agree. Singing teacher Judy Hages hales me as a major singing songwriting talent. There was a bidding war forming on me as a highly valuable artist in the music industry in the early 1990s. I am a better guitarist, singer and songwriter than most 'professionals' today. I have been performing and blowing people away on stage since the age of ten, which is not surprising since my father is a PHD in music and we are direct paternal descendant of king David himself, also a GREAT singer songwriter musician, who wrote most of the psalms and invented most of the musical instruments in the Holy Temple. It is not surprising that my some twenty infringed song copyrights over seventy million dollars for the music industry at a time when they had a lot of decent performing artists with a serious lack of good song material. I was a wellspring of good music for them. In 1994 the record industry was positioning themselves in a bidding war for me as an artist, and many of them would kill in order to control and protect me. The US government went out of their way to libel my music abilities in order undermine my credibility as a musician and songwriter, so that people would not believe that I could have written all of those valuable song and music copyrights, which I did do so in fact. The fact that the US Attorneys' document shows that the FBI did such extensive spying, eavesdropping and research on me, and they covered up the fact that I am a top level guitarist, singer and songwriter, proves that they are liers, committed perjury, are criminally motivated in covering up the record companies infringements of my music and song copyrights, and are accomplice to the record companies crimes of copyright infringements.

This document also covers up the fact that I am a very accomplished and Righteous Jew, as my attached resume shows, more accomplished that most Prime Ministers and Presidents of Nations.


The 'request for criminal prosecution in Israel' is a brazen and criminal abuse of the Israeli justice system and police. It incited disunity, conflict, violence, suffering, anguish and hatred between Jews, police and government officials in Israel. It is Amalek and Nazis at their best in the harm they cause to Israel. It is unlawful harassment and danger to me and represents a danger and threat to the security of the State of Israel and the USA, which I served as a senior engineer for Raytheon Missile Systems Division, a critical technology in defending the United States against Iran. The Israeli and American Militaries are justified in executing the herein listed criminals in the US and Israeli societies and systems who are still at large.


US Government Incites Israel to Commit Framed Arrests and Incarcerations in Jerusalem

I took a job as a patent engineering attorney at Reinhold Cohen in 2000, was publicizing local pedophile Menahem Hevlin in Beit viGan for attempting to molest my adopted son (since the police refused to arrest the pedophile, indicating once again that the people giving the orders are pedophiles), and was subsequently arrested in the middle of the night on January first, 2001, by a ten man squad of Israeli police, allegedly incited by the US Department of Justice's then unbeknownst to me 'request for criminal prosecution in Israel', possibly by pedophiles in the government, likely they are one in the same.

Nick Kaufman, Esq., District Attorneys' Office of Jerusalem, worked with US attorney Mary Jo White, as indicated by their letter of June 7, 2000. This was the first time I had heard of such a ridiculous and baseless false charge from these anti-Semitic and Erev Rav scum who malign and persecute a righteous and innocent Jew such as me. They had already aligned the Israeli police against me by misleading them and caused violence much anguish. I was attacked by the police, the door and window gates were broken down, a harmed a policeman in self defense, they tortured me with a gun in my mouth and beatings, I was jailed in incarceration for some fifteen months at the Russian compound, Givat Shaul and Eitaneem Mental Hospital, including chemical torture and defamation of good name. Paul Stark was assigned public defendant to defend me. Mosad police and administers carried out the transfer and processing of me to the mental hospital. During this time of incarceration the US government caused possessions of mine to be damaged, robbed and spied on by their espionage, and terrorist destruction of my property, good name and freedom.

            Upon release I was robbed on Bituah Lioomi due to me, made homeless and poverty stricken, was charged numerous baseless taxes and bills by the government, was made homeless, denied my civil rights by the Israeli courts and police, and suffered numerous harassing arrests by the Israeli police. On December 7, 2003, I was given a clean bill of mental health by top Harvard Cambridge psychiatrist Dr. Gerald Caplan where he reports that he finds 'no sign of mental illness', thus again substantiating that my named was murdered, I was framed, and railroaded into the cruel imprisonment. After numerous unanswered complaints to the courts, government and police, finally, of all people, Israeli Generals of the IDF Matcal command at the Kiriya went to the police for their Nazi like treachery and just simply told them personally to their faces: 'You keep your hands off Rabbi Ariel Ben Yaakov. If you ever harass or even touch him again we will kill you'.

The Israeli IDF Generals kept their promise, will continue to keep it, and so will I. Since then many police, court judges, and other people in the government have begun to take my side.


Espionage, Sabotage and Theft of Sensitive and Valuable Possesions

Almost immediately after moving to Tsfat in 2006, my store closet in Mea Shaareem, Jerusalem, was broken into and my electric guitar, amplifier, computer, computer diskettes and all my family photographs were stolen. They went out of their way and specifically searched through all my possession in order to find and steal all my computer diskettes (worth nothing to a thief, but could contain valuable military information, patents, copyrights and song material) and all my family photographs.


Around Hanukah 2006, shortly after the Ben Sela operation in Tsfat, I met my fiancée, daughter of Mr. David Bengamen, formerly of LA, now of Kiryat Sanz, Old City Tsftat. People tried dissuading and preventing her from interest in me through maliciously libeling me behind my back with motzei shem ra, many of them are goyim, pedophiles (of whom I had exposed in the black hat community), some foreign spies, all living amongst the Litvach style American community where she grew up. She saw through their falsehood, knew they are liars, and some three months later, to some peoples shock and dismay, we decided to marry and got engaged. Upon an enemy hearing that I was going to get married, and be established with a lovely Kosher Jewish teenage girl of the utmost quality, this enemy, a wicked homosexual with AIDS, vengefully pressured her father to stop the marriage. In some kind of weakness that was manipulated in him, the father acted irrationally and in his bizarre desperation to stop the marriage, frantically resorted to abducting her against her will and incarcerating her in a private detention where she was at times without food and water, suffered immensely, lost her mind, and broke down. The enemies of Israel some how believe that she is the soul of Rahel Emenoo, know of her abduction; maybe they were involved with it themselves; and celebrated hurting such a delicate, precious, Holy, important, special, and fragile Jewish girl. The father and his family moved from LA to Tsfat in 2007 and came to the Kosov shul in Tsfat where I was studying, and we became friends, but, he still wouldn’t admit to his daughter nor what he did. He and his wife are in total denial. They lied and covered up to investigators from the city child welfare center. She was in danger, so I got a petition with over 26 signatures on it, including top rabbis from Tsfat and two IDF generals, and in April of 2008, I asked the Tsfat police child crimes investigator Igal Hadad for help. He then turned the case over to Avi Ben Shaana and Eldad Tsari, but they have not been available for contact and did not report to me the status no has she been returned to me since. Is she alive?

In June of 2008, I sent copies of this report to Israeli chief judge Dorit BenEash and Israeli state prosecutor Moshe Lador.

Things to Consider       

Considering that I as a scientist who knows how to cure AIDS, and that many people are now in danger of it, and that I can only cure people when I am economically stable and strong with my wealth and good name owed to me, have the support of the system and wife that I need to have peace of mind so that can develop and manufacture the cure, therefore, the peole who have undermined me and harmed my standing are responsible for the deaths of all these people, which I am sure that they would be very happy about since the people who have undermined me are Nazis and Amalek who love to destroy the human race out of their baseless hatred and lust for power and destruction of man.

According to Rav Nahman of Breslov, the society also needs to hear a Tzadik play and sing to them in order to be healed spiritually, which the society is in dire need of now, and is a matter of life and death for many people. I am that highly musically talented Jewish Tzadik who has been undermined by these demons of Amalek and their Nazi in their reckless and criminal destruction that they committed out of love for evil and sin, lust for greed and baseless hatred. They should all be exterminated from the face off the earth now. Amen.


Damages requested:

The police, myself, the State of Israel, and criminal justice system must all be paid double damages in compensation (in accordance with Torah law, Shulhan Aruch, Hoshen Mishpat, Hovel biHavero) for each and every instance of the herein described anguish, damage, violence, defamation of our names, incarceration, medical costs, disability, false arrest and framed court coast, abuse of tax payers monies, etc. that this wholly baseless and criminal in nature 'request for criminal prosecution in Israel' incited and caused to the Jewish people.

I request compensation for each and every police person involved, every judge and court person involved, myself, the State of Israel, and criminal justice system, and all must be paid double damages in compensation due to the US governments willful denial of their vicious premeditated crimes against the Jewish people involved, and that my fiancée be returned to me safely and soon so that we can get married and raise a family in the land of Israel.

I request that my good name stature, as well as the police and Israeli system, is upheld in public and on record.

As a Jew who is vital to the security of the State of Israel, these people who are a threat to me a clear and present danger to the security of the State of Israel and must be eradicated from society, by imprisonment, execution or assassination. If the criminal justice system continues to fail to do their job of imprisoning these dangerous anti-Semitic Nazi criminals, then the Israeli defense establishment will have no choice but to assassinate them all in order to defend Israel. They will.


Date Signed:


Rav HaTzadik Prince of the House of David Ariel Ben Yaakov Shlita


Copies of this document have already been distributed to people in the Israeli and American system who are on my side. Any attempt to harm me in any way will be interpreted as a clear and present danger to the security of the State of Israel and America, and these people will be righteously executed with no mercy for these peoples brazen criminally and dangerous irresponsibility.









Documents and Evidences Pertinent to US Cases


Electrical Engineering Degree from the Technion


Recommendations by Rabbi Kook Shlita and the Badatz Religious High Court




Dr Calpan's medical Report


Covenent Recordings Tape Cassette Covers


My Letter to Tim Car of Warner Brothers records


Return letter from Tim Car of Warner Brother's records


Return letters from Geffen and Columbia records


Spiegelman Vs Warner Bros 

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Eric Ariel Spiegelman Vs Theodore H Katz, et al Civil Action Number 95 6180 (MTB)

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Request for Criminal Prosecution in Israel

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judge James Francis IV Anti-Semitic Hate Crime Motivated Arrest Warrant