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Bethany College

Ariana Lalos

Cum. GPA 3.6
Major: Elementary Education
Greek Organization: Phi Mu, Beta Nu Chapter
Philanthropy: Children's Miracle Network

Honors & Achievements:
Kalon Leadership Scholar
Kirkpatrick Scholar
Dean's List Fall 07-08
Varsity Chorus,07-08
"Piagentian Powerhouse" Award,08
Phi Mu Fraternity
Kalon Assistant Director,08-09
WV Civic Engagement Conference Capitol Convergence - Leadership Presenter 2009


EDUC 203-Human Development: Self Powerpoint.
2008 Piagentian Powerhouse Award
GENS 202- Geography Midterm Presentation - Italy
GENS 202- Midterm Evaluation (Italy)
GENS 202- Geography Final Presentation- Greece
EDUC 242- History of Education Essay: Columbine
EDUC 242- Microteaching Evaluation
Kalon Admission Essay
Kalon Acceptance Letter
WV Service Learning Conference Presentation Proposal
2009 WV Civic Engagement Conference Program
Honorable Mention: Bethany Sophomore Presents at Statewide Conference, The Old Main Journal
Congratulatory Email- Assistant Professor of Education, Jaclyn Riffle
07-08 Dean's List
RDNG 215- Stellaluna Lesson Plan
RDNG 215 FINAL - Children's Library

BC Online

Bethany College
Kalon Leadership
Phi Mu Fraternity
