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The Smart Way to Repair Credit

What most people don’t realize is that credit reports can sometimes contain many errors. It has been suggested that credit reports today contain almost 50% of errors.  consumer credit counseling seattle That’s a lot of mistakes and these errors can be destroying your credit history. To repair your credit you have to attack your credit repair head on, and there are some easy steps to take to achieve this.

Anyone who lives in the U.S. is entitled to one free credit report each year.  In case you didn’t know there are three main credit bureaus to get reports from, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. You can get access to your reports by visiting the website annual credit report dot com.  Or if you prefer you can call or email them.

Once you have your credit reports look them over carefully for errors. When you discover errors then you must contact the company in question by letter. Most companies are happy to quickly rectify your issue and repair the credit rating for you.

To prevent errors from occurring on your credit report you should get into the practice of checking all your financial statements each month. seattle credit restoration Banks can and do make errors, so don’t assume that all your transactions are correct. The same goes for your credit card statements, look them over each month.

If you find any errors on your monthly statements then look into them immediately. Call your bank or Credit Card Company and advise them of the mistake.  Doing this will also prevent you from becoming a victim of identity theft.

Another good tip is to keep all your receipts each month, this is very beneficial with so many people using debt cards for almost all of their transactions. This way you can verify if the amounts are correct and take actions when necessary.

 By paying that little bit of extra attention to your financial statements each month you are being pro active in maintaining a good credit score.  You aren’t allowing any incident to go un-noticed and make its way onto your yearly credit report.

Having to have your credit repaired can be a lengthy and sometimes expensive process.  This is something you want to avoid at all costs. credit repair seattle As you can see it doesn’t take that much work to keep on top of your credit. With due diligence you can easily maintain a great credit score and look forward to seeing your credit reports each year.

For further information on how to repair credit get our free report today.

701 5th Ave #4299

Seattle, WA 98104

(786) 519-1773