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The shared workspace industry is expected to expand to 30,000 co-working spaces with five million members by 2020.

One of the major factors behind this exceptional growth is the movement of corporates into co-working spaces—though that progress may take some time. As Emergent Research published in the 2018-2022 Co-working Forecast:

“We…think the market will likely expedite again in a few years due to larger corporates embracing co-working office space for lease.

But we think it will take some time for large corporates to meaningfully move to co-working. So over the next couple of years, progress will be driven by co-working’s traditional customers, independent workers and start-ups.”

Here are some reasons corporates are moving into shared workspaces.

1.    Reduce Expenses

Corporates can decrease overhead costs by shifting into shared workspaces rather than renting their own buildings. The desks, printers, meeting rooms, event space and other business facilities are provided by the workspace and there’s usually a community manager who can welcome clients and visitors to space. In the co-working/shared offices coffee and tea are also provided, the washroom supplies are covered in membership and maintenance is taken care of by the shared workspace.

2.    Emanation of Idle Space

With a traditional office contract, corporations may end up paying for unused space that sits idle except for the occasional meeting or introduction of employees. In a shared workspace, corporations have admittance to meeting and conference rooms when needed. They can also customise membership plans to fit the exact space needs of their company and team.

3.    Flexible Memberships

Mostly, shared workspacesoffer month-to-month membership. This gives corporations an elasticity which they do not found with traditional three- to five-year leases. As teams expand and shrink, companies can modify their membership plan to fit current needs. By flexible membership options, corporations save their thousands of rupees. Saving is as good as earning.

4.    In-House Contractors

Shared offices are full of freelancers and independent professionals. As more corporations hire contract employees as opposed to full-time employees, they need a pool of expertise to choose from. The professional channels that exist in shared workspaces offer an in-house contractor pool for companies to work with as needed.

5.    Satellite Locations

Shared offices offer corporations a simple way to establish satellite locations for their remote teams to work and meet with clients, contractors and associates. Instead of renting a small office in every city they need a satellite location, corporations can put team members into a shared workspace which offers the space to work and collaborate, as well as business amenities.

6.    Serendipity and Collaboration

One of the great advantages of working in a shared workspace is the serendipity that occurs when people from various backgrounds and fields with a variety of interests, knowledge and connections work in the same space. The chances for collaboration and innovation in the shared workspace are endless and corporations recognize the value of these serendipitous encounters.

If you want to expand your business or skillset, connect with other experts and industry leaders, get out of your house, strengthen your social circle, better separate your work and life, or tap into a thriving community of generous, smart people, get your office at KONTOR SPACE.

KONTOR SPACE is a company provides co-working, and shared offices. Our Properties are located in

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