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Enjoy Life In Paradise

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A few places are:


The Philippine Islands are places where you can relax and have no worries. Other then the beautiful
sites there are people who will welcome you a warm smile. Everyone is friendly no matter
which island you go to. Each island has its own sites and food. I'm going to take you
through some of these islands and make sure you experiance some of the cultures foods and traditions.

Philippine islands are known for so many types of food. I would have to say there dishes are DELICIOUS.

Such as:

Thats only part of the many different choices of food that the philippines have instore for you. You can also find more dishes here. Along with the main dishes there are also fabulous desserts.

Such as:

  • Bibingka Cassava
  • Original Leche Flan
  • Light and Fruity Caramel Flan
  • Palitaw
  • Pianono
  • Brazo de Mercedes
  • Steamed Ube Cake
  • Bibingkang Galapong

You can find more desserts here.