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We are living in an era which belongs to technology. Where ever we see, there are technologically advanced devices and gadgets. Mobile phones are no more the same which these used to be few years back. Now there are smart phones which have made life much easier. Android phones are highly demanded in the market and similar is the story of android applications as well. These applications are very useful and new applications are always welcomed with great zeal in the market. Android application developers are also in huge demand in the market but their supply is very less and that is the reason that trained android application developers are always welcomed by the industry. This is one reason that has made android training courses very sought after.


There are several organizations offering android training. These courses are selling like hot cakes but the students should try to select such organization with due care. offers best of the courses and training related to android app development.


What a trainee can get from EDUMobile.ORG


EDUMobile.ORG has great experience and expertise of providing such trainings to people. They know exactly what the need of the hour is and how the training should be delivered. They offer every possible support to the trainees so that they can get best of the trainings which can be useful for them and help them out in achieving a great career. Once the candidate is enrolled to the online android training, he may get benefits like:

  • Online Training: It is not simple like other trainings which are delivered online. It is a technical training which needs certain sets to technical understanding and logical thinking in one to make it actually useful in the career. No point in learning the technical skills if you cannot think logical it will become complete wastage since the logic is to be completely used to make an idea a full-fledged working application.
  • One to one interaction: It can be again to provide candidate a great amount of help from the tutor at any point of time. He will be available for any kind of one to one communication. Though there are separate set of people already in place to handle the training and provide the guidance strictly to the entire batch of candidates. One can place requirement for any such kind of enquiry or clarification he requires from the company.
  • Weekly document update: The online portal is continuously being updated by the team of the training company. There may be certainly continuous upgrade in terms of the training document as per the industry movement. There is always enough documents to provide it to the candidate so that they can learn as much as possible on continual basis. They will be able to read the training material post updating on the online portal. Also it will be shared with the entire group through the online medium it will be easier to just have the login credential to get the update of the market.
  •  Live Industrial projects: Once the theory part of training is completed people are moved to more of the practical training in lieu of all the other aspects of the training. The training also helps student to think about the best education system and other logic required to maintain the application LIVE and useful in the industry so that these training applications developed can also be marketed through various online channels and mediums. This can also be the medium to have the learning done through online android course.
  • Course certification: The certification is most important after the completion of android training course for the students and the working professionals. The certification can add lot of value to the different kind of team in different way. It can be for the working professional looking to upgrade their skills set to get the benefit in terms of salary hike or position upgradation or change in the technological front a bit.
  • Forum Help: They also have the online forum which is available 24*7 to all the members. There are almost all the trainees and the trainers available online and any type of query can be resolved within no time. It is the forum by the people and to the people.

The android training course is good for those who have some technical background and who want to have a career in the domain. Even working professionals can think of doing this course so as to find better opportunities. After these training courses people can get better jobs and better salaries as well. Trained people can also think of freelancing and earning some extra money. Students can find these courses extremely beneficial as they can apply for jobs and get one very easily. Even they can work as free lancers and earn money. There are some people who cannot find such android training to be of any use for them.

The course is not appropriate for one if:


One has good amount of experience in technology especially in the mobile technology. The simple online free tutorial may work out for them as well. If you are really an expert or geek in any type of mobile application development you need to understand the coding standards by learning the course for the beginners. If one has the capability of learning the android application course by just visiting the online websites probably he may consider the online free course material in detail to read and learn. Some may surely need help of some online android training classes to ensure the better understanding or learning on the code. One can stay away from courses if very comfortable and confident of self learning and upgrading by referring to the various documents available online.


The android training is only to be considered suitable as a right fit if and only if:

  • One is a beginner or a mid level team member when it comes to android application development.

  • One is aiming to earn good money after learning some short term course

  • One is looking to have some self development and learn new technology and tools related to the development.

  • One is looking for developing some android application so that one can make some good money by doing some freelancing job.

  • One is also looking for making good amount of money to take care of future savings.

  • One is already a web developer or basic mobile application developer and is looking to add new technology to his profile or upgrade his skill set for improving the knowledge on certain aspect of technology.

  • He is looking to learn the android application development through a structured step by step guide available online with an extensive support from their trainers or tutors who are LIVE to support

  • One has the idea of developing android application for the actual usage of common purpose. Even if he is ready with the proper plan one has to understand that it is important to consider the lead time to create the demand in the open market.

  •  One is looking for having hike in current salary or look for the better opportunities around. To justify this matter, which is very much subjective in nature it is advisable to keep moving with the technology upgradation as per the industry norms.

  • If one needs to be the developer who is eyeing to work extra for his extra compensation. They may lay down with the current company or with the various online portals like oDesk, Elance, Rent-A-Coder in order to get some projects on freelancing to work upon.

  • If one is really looking for working as a freelancer, then he is ready for the high rate for android application like in the range of $30 to #50 per hour. This is the android development rate prevailing in the global market. There may be people providing the development service for the rates much lower than this. In this context it is a point to highlight that the training should be matching for the number of resources atleast the demand raised at last moment

  • If one is sure about his inclination toward the testing on the internet about another detailed issue which has been almost tested.

  • One is hesitant to take immediate step to start learning the android development also being afraid of investing time and money for the same. One also has to understand the importance of the course he needs to take up further to upgrade as well.

What is the reason and even need of thinking much and running for understanding the methods of application development for android from anywhere else when the best source is available so easily? has experience and expertise of offering online android course which will surely benefit your career and boost it in a great manner. If you want to know more about android training courses, please click here: