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                                                                                                           About Us:    

        What started as a trip to our local sports store to gain access to the jersey's of our choice, ended up in a depressing trip back home due to the retailer having hardly any selection, extremely high prices, and the inability to try and please their consumers. We then decided it was time to act, we found a need amongst our friends and family members and started on a small scale at first. Finding a few investor's in 2008, we established "the Jersey Zone". Since the beginning we have offered as many jerseys as possible, with the ability to obtain more upon request. We try to offer the lowest prices, both online and in-store. If you find it cheaper, WE WILL MATCH IT!   


        Thank You for visiting our site, and we hope you find something that brings the inner kid out! Remeber, dreams can come true for fans too! 



 If you need anything or have any questions: please call 1-800-THE-ZONE

We are located in Wichita, Ks and operate out of the Towne East Mall.

Please come see us today!



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