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Allergies are faulty mechanisms of the body that is meant for protection but ends up harming the person. There are so many allergens in the world that may harm or even kill a person. In an allergic reaction the person with an allergy has a receptor in their bodies that recognizes virtually harmless substances as a threat and therefore overreacts to the perceived threat. If a person allergic to pollens for example inhales a group of plant pollen, the receptors in his respiratory tract will detect the presence of the invaders and alerts the body’s immune system. The body then produces antibodies to counteract the threat. Upon first exposure to the pollen, the body may not recognize the threat yet and is still getting to know the threat, but in later exposures where the body has already formed specific antibodies for the threat, there will occurrence of one or many allergic manifestation.

One of the most common allergic reactions is itchiness of the exposed skin. That’s because the skin is the organ that mostly comes in contact with the allergens in the environment. Other manifestation is excessive sneezing which happens when the allergic reaction is airborne like dander of furry animals and pollens of plants. In the worst case scenario a person who breathed in something he or she is allergic to will get an asthma attack which can be fatal to the person. In some cases where there are too many allergens in the person’s system like when a person is bitten by many spiders or dust mites, or if the person takes a drug he or she is allergic to, the patient may go into allergic shock which can be fatal.

Here are some tips to avoid allergic attacks from happening.

The air is a common source of allergens. Pollens, smoke and dust can all enter the respiratory system through the air we breathe. To clean the air you breathe you must maintain a clean environment in your living space. If you live with a smoker, assign smoking areas outside the house. Use an air purifier inside the house to maintain the air indoors. Check a Whirlpool AP51030k review to find a great air purifier. The Whirlpool AP51030K Whispure Air purifiers reviews you must check must be from trusted sources to get a trusted review.

Let an allergist do a skin test to determine what you are allergic to. Keep a tab of your allergens and avoid them as much as you can. Avoid overly polluted and dusty places.