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Ancient Spells

Special limited time offer!

Three free spells, your choice, only $2 S&H!
Pay with PayPal (paypal icon) or Postal Money Order.
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Not finding the right spell? We also offer customized spells written by our High Priestess just for you!

Check back often as we add new and exciting items all the time.

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Choose Your Free Spells
3 Blessings
3 Love Spells
3 Purification Spells
3 Protection Spells
3 Success Spells
3 Prosperity Spells
3 Finding Lost Item Spells
Holiday Prayers
Color Meaning Guide
3 Binding Spells
3 Banishing Spells
3 Totem Animal Spells
3 Opening Third Eye Spells
3 Astral Projection Spells
Elements Guide
3 Hex Spells
3 Hex Removing Spells
3 Baby Blessings

Please send Money Orders to:
Nemesis Ent.
P.O. Box 423
Plantersville, TX 77363

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