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American Express Company is into a business of financial services, It’s headquarter is located in Three World Financial Center, New York City and is popularly known as Amex.

The company was formed in the year 1850 and is one out of 30 components of Dow Jones Industrial Average. The company is widely known for its products namely Credit card, charge card, and traveler’s cheque.

The company was started in the year 1850 as an express mail business in Buffalo, New York. It was formed as a joint-stock corporation by a merger of express companies that were owned by Henry Wells (Wells& Company), William G. Fargo (Livingston, Fargo & Company) and John Warren Butterfield (Wells, Butterfield & Company).

In 1874, American Express shifted to 65 Broadway and designated it as its new headquarter which was the emerging financial district of Manhattan.

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