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9 Secrets to Successful Video Marketing

Let’s talk about several ways to improve your videos and get the desired return on video marketing. Do you want your investment in the form of time and money paid off?

1. Engage correctly

20% of viewers turn off the video after 10 seconds or less. Therefore, the first frames determine the success of the video. If you know how to hook it, they will look at it further. Otherwise all your efforts were wasted.

Ask a question using psychological triggers to immediately attract the attention of visitors. From the very first shots, give a reason to watch this video. What benefits awaits the audience? Will it cheer you up, help solve a problem, inspire action, or teach you something new?

Also, remember: in social networks, the video first turns on without sound. Therefore, focus not only on words but also on the visual part. Or add subtitles. If you convince viewers to turn on the sound, you will immediately receive bonuses:

they will continue to watch the video and either buy something from you or be inspired by the trust;

social networks will more actively begin to promote your post, and more viewers will see the video.

2. Make the video dynamic

There is nothing worse than boring videos. For example, if you say what the audience has heard a hundred times already. Or report sensational news in the usual tone. Or do not stand out against the background of many other videos. In all these cases you will not be watched. You will not be remembered. They won’t buy from you.

Surprise the audience. Make a drawn video. Add unusual effects or inserts. The main goal is to attract the attention of your visitors,

3. Optimize for search

This primarily concerns headings and descriptions. Make them juicy, engaging, intriguing. You should be found and want to click on the link. Add keywords.

When creating titles for videos, the same rules apply to content marketing. Add value, numbers, triggers of speed and simplicity, or start with the word "How. "

Add an internal link to other videos or individual places in the video as an annotation. Download subtitles (indexed by YouTube). Make the video dynamic - because the longer the video is watched, the higher it is in search results.

4. Train

Did you know that 65% of your audience are visual students? They want to constantly evolve and learn something new. They are ready to spend time and money on this. You only need to provide materials in video format.

Why are videos leading? The easiest way to learn a new service is by opening the site and clicking Play », repeat everything step by step for the author. Learn how to use the "secret" functions of the product more efficiently with the help of a video clip. Webinars are the most convenient way to learn a new topic, after which there are fewer questions. Especially if you answered them live.

5. Communicate with the audience

Comments are a good way to engage customers, which increases the time of viewing a page with a video, which means it raises your video to the first lines of search results.

Ask a question that viewers will want to answer. Do not ask just to leave a comment. When people don’t understand what to write, they are silent. 

And one more important point - always respond to comments. A man spent time on you. If you ignore him, next time he will silently leave. And then, perhaps, he will forget about your channel. After all, comments allow you to establish additional communication between you and the client. They create a sense of dialogue.

6. Promote the video

If you have a great video that will appeal to your audience, promote it. Now social networks have great tools for setting up ads. Start with a small budget of a few dollars and see how the video goes.

Above all, remember the 10-second rule and the bright catchy title. This will increase the chances of your ad and get more views. When evaluating the effectiveness of advertising, be guided by the number of views over 1 minute.

7. Analyze the results

After posting video content, you will want to evaluate performance. Log in to your YouTube or Facebook account and check out the Analytics or Insights section.

Pay attention to the average duration of viewing - so you will understand at what point the video becomes uninteresting. Carefully study this episode, try to understand why the page is most often closed on it and how to avoid this in the future. And always add a “tasty” sentence earlier than this time.

Check out the top videos in the past month to better understand your audience’s interests and offer relevant video content. See the ratio of views up to 30 seconds or more minutes.

Look at the dynamics of the main indicators to see if your video marketing has improved over the past month or vice versa. Indeed, just a figure of 1,000 views will not tell you anything. But if you look at the last month and see the number 500 there, you will understand that this month is shocking.

8. Create a corporate identity

Make it easy to recognize. Add the same cover art for all videos. Now, this feature is available not only on YouTube but on all social networks. Thus, you become familiar with your viewers, and they will begin to recognize you in their feed or recommended videos. And more often they will click on your content.

9. Show the "backstage" of the business

If you do not know what to shoot, show one day in the life of the office. Just turn on the camera from time to time and broadcast it on social networks. So you will become closer to your audience.

This is a great way to increase the trust of your customers. After all, you show that you have nothing to hide. Your business is at a glance.


Video marketing has virtually no flaws. Attract specialists with video animation services - your investment will pay off. Or shoot on the phone and create budget friendly videos. Experiment with different types of videos, promote them on social networks and analyze the results.