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Amanda's RPG Characters
Sunday, 27 January 2008
Esme Wilder
Topic: Original Characters

Esme Wilder

Age:is 18 but looks 19. 
Occupation: Student
Sexuality: Straight
Flexible time period

In Esme`s world, vampires roam, and it doesn`t matter to her. She is in love with a vampire and wishs that she could be one of them, only none of them want to condem her to a eternity of hell. She has strawberry blonde curly hair and bluish green eyes. She is pale due to the fact that she lives outside of Seattle. She is a senior at Franklin High school and lives with her dad. Her mother left her when she was 5. She is the only child between the two but has two half-siblings from her mother and stepdad, but she has never met them. Esme has a hard time deciding between reality and fantasy, but when you live in a world of Vampires, what would you think? She works at a small store on the main street of Franklin selling books and has a old Ford Truck. Her life couldn't be more complicated.

Link to Esme's Rabbit Hole

Posted by amandawriter125 at 11:29 PM CST
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Saturday, 8 December 2007
Dependira Thindro

Dependira Thindro

Age: 20
Hair color: Blondish brown
Eye color: Green
Family: Alakanza and Frapp Thindro (both deceased), not siblings
Schooling: Didn't really school, learn from an older witch in Grogg
Spells Speciality: Her speciality magic is teleportation. She also does a lot of other magic, but she is trying to perfect teleportation.

-Born in the upper northwest of Julin and city called Ignor. Her parents took care of her until she was 6 when the two of them were killed by two offtracked robbers. Leaving Dependira all alone, she was sent to her great aunt Kera. She learned that she was a witch at the age of 8 and she started getting lessons from Kera. Deciding not to send her to an academy, Kera continued Dependira's teaching herself. When Dependira was 19, Kera passed away pushing her out into Julin all alone.

Personality: She is a very cold person, her parents died, Kera died, she has to deal with everything on her own.

((this storyline can be changed due to storyline request))

Posted by amandawriter125 at 12:05 AM CST
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Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Topic: Harry Potter Characters

Ginvera "Ginny" Molly Weasley

Age: 26
Birthday: August 11, 1981
Ancestry: Pureblood
Parents: Arthur and Molly Weasley
Siblings: Bill, Charlie, Percy, George, Fred, and Ron
Childhood: Raised by her mother and father around her brothers
Childhood House: The Burrow

First year:
House: Gyffindor
Relationships: Matt Corner, Neville Longbottom, Dean Thomas, Harry Potter
Qudditch: Chaser and subsitite seeker
Wand: 7 1/2 inches, Willow wood, Unicorn Hair

Ginny Weasley's Profile:

Ginny is the youngest child and only daughter of Arthur and Molly Weasley. She entered Hogwarts in 1992 and was sorted into Gryffindor. Hermione is one of her best friends. In Ginny's first year, she was possed by Tom Riddle through a diary and opened the Chamber of Secrets releasing the basalisk.

In her 3rd year, Ginny was asked to the Yule Ball by Neville Longbottom. Ginny gave up on her crush for Harry in her third year but when he returned his feelings for her, she returned them back only then breaking up with him at the end of her 5th year. After the downfall of Voldermort, Ginny settled down with Harry, became a qudditch player for the Holyhead Harpies then retired to become a qudditch correspont for the Daily Phrophet. The two had children (James, Albus, and Lily)


Posted by amandawriter125 at 3:10 AM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 6 November 2007 3:13 AM CST
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Emma Nelson
Topic: Degrassi Characters

Emma Nelson

Age: 18
School: Degrassi High
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Parents: Christine "Spike" Simpson and Shane McKay, Archie (Snake) Simpson (Stepfather)
Siblings: Jack
Friends: Manny Santos, Liberty Van Zant, Darcy Edwards
Personality: Emma is really outgoing for the most part. She is a girl you can rely on but somethings in her past are haunting her. She has had a couple rough years in high school making her attitude towards everything more cold and rough.
Ex's: Sean Cameron, Chris Sharp, Peter Stone
-In 7th grade, Emma met a boy name Jordan online who wanted to met her, she later met him in a hotel finding out his was an older man who wanted to rape her on film. Luckily, Snake saved her from anything happening. Later in her 7th year, Emma got her period in front of her whole Speech class, including her crush, Sean. Later that year, Sean and Emma started dating but later breaking up after Sean got into a fight with Jimmy Brooks, and ends up shoving Emma to the ground. She also had her love for fighting causes.
-During her 8th grade year, Emma had to deal with her mother falling in love with her teacher Mr. Simpson. During this time, Emma grew a crush on a new 9th grader Craig Manning, only to realize he was just like a brother to her. Snake finally proposed to Spike and Emma realized that she was ready for a Dad, but Spike finds out she's pregnant and Emma is upset with her Mom when she finds out she's considering an abortion, but then later doesn't. During the wedding, Emma and Sean fall in love again and share there first kiss, and they started dating again. Close to the end of her 8th grade year, she starts protesting against the school who are using GM Foods (Gentically Modified). She ends up getting suspended for a week.
-Emma entered her freshman year of High School as a new woman ready to make something of herself, but Emma can't seem to get something off her mind, her birthfather. After some searching she finds her Dad in the next town over in a Assisted living faculity, where she finds out he is mentally disabled. Snake later tells her that when he was younger, before she was born, he jumped off a bridge after doing acid. We later find out that he only did it because his parents wouldn't let him be apart of Emma's life. During a visit with Shane at her house, he goes crazy knocking down a pregnant Spike. Everything became fine and Spike gave birth to healthy baby Jack. Later in the year, Manny, Emma's best friend, changed her look (sexier) causing all the boy's to turn heads. Emma has a rough year with Manny when she finds out Craig is cheating on Ashley with Manny. Emma and Manny have a big fight later becoming friends again. Lets not forget about Sean. Emma and Sean's relationship was stronger then ever but when Snake gets Leukemia, their relationship becomes distant and Sean begins to hang out with the bad kids of Degrassi, Jay Hogart, Alex Nunez, Towerz, and Amy. Sean decides to steal Snake's new laptop and Emma catchs him. Jay somehow convinces Sean to break up with Emma, which ends their relationship. Emma then develops a crush on a hip hopper named Chris. He had brains and was cute to boot. They give the relationship a shot into the summertime.
-In Emma's 10th year, she went into the new year dating Chris but it wasn't long lived when they broke up because of problems. When Liberty starts crushing over Chris, Emma gets upset and flirts with Chris to stop him from going out with Liberty. She finds out and Emma and Liberty's realtionship was over. After the drama with Liberty cooled down, Emma had prayed that would be it, but it was Degrassi. Rick Murray, a former Degrassi student (left because he beat up a girl) came back wanted to finish his high school career at Degrassi. Paige and the other 11th grader's didn't like this thought, so Emma and Paige join forces to make Rick's life a living hell, by turning the whole school against him. They protested against violence against women, but when Rick wants to contriube to the fund, Alex steps in and tells him off. Later that evening at the Dot, Emma was threatened but him and Jay jumped to her defense and beat up Rick, but it was already to late, Emma lost her new friends by saving Rick from being beaten up. After saving Rick, Emma and old pal Toby become friends with Rick and Rick begins developing feelings for Emma, but Emma wasn't interested. During a on-air television game show, Rick is covered in yellow paint and feathers and this sends him over the edge. He brings a gun to school and shots Jimmy then found Emma with Toby and Sean. He points the gun at her, but Sean saves her by bringing Rick down. After this all happened the next day, Sean, Ellie, Emma, and Jay ditch school and go to Wasaga Beach, where Sean grew up, and then he decides to stay with his parents leaving Emma in a post-dramatic stress disorder. After everything settles down again, Emma is still sick. She finds herself doing a play for the school, but during one of the rehearsal's, Jay starts flirting with her and touching her, and she doesn't pull away. While walking home after school, Jay offers Emma a ride home later telling her that he will be at the ravine if she wanted to come and hang out. She shows up and finds out about the van, and that is where Jay and her share their first kiss. Running off scared, she goes home. The next day, she finds wearing the bracelet she gave him, realizing that Amy had the same bracelet and when she talks about how prudish she is, she flashes the bracelet to her, leaving Amy stunned. Jay later finds Emma looking for him and later they have oral sex in the same van he kissed her in. The next day, Emma is jealous that Jay is kissing Alex that she kisses a boy in the play. Jay becomes jealous. Alex later finds out that Jay cheated on her and Amy is beat up by her. They both found out that they had gonnerra. Jay protected Emma by not telling Alex that they had done stuff. Emma and Jay's relationship becomes strain when she finds out she also has the STD and they never really talk again. Later in the year, Chris, her ex, makes fun of her for having a STD but Emma rebounds.
-As Emma became a Junior in high school, Emma was determined in making this the best year ever, and finally she found a new crush, Peter Stone. He was cute, handsome, but the princpal's son. Manny, who was all for them to get together, had a falling out with her father, got drunk, and ended up and Peter's party where he filmed Manny taking off her top showing the camera her boobs. Emma is turned off of Peter when he starts to humliate Manny in front of everyone. Manny is kicked out of her house and moves in with Emma. But, Peter was falling for Emma and with Manny hating his guts, Emma couldn't date him, so she rejected him, but later falls for him, and they start dating in secret. During a movie premiere, Peter and Emma make out in a dark part of the theater only finding Emma's stepdad making out with Peter's mother Daphene. Emma ends up telling Spike and she kicks Snake out of the house. During this time, Emma becomes obessed with her weight, as does Manny, who is trying to get a movie agent. Emma and Manny go on a crash diet to try and lose a few pounds but Emma takes it way over the edge when she starts throwing up her food. Manny pleaded her to stop and once Spike took Snake back, she promised her she would, but secretly continued. Manny finds out and asks Emma why she continued and Emma tells Manny she has secretly been dating Peter. Emma later relaspes and end up in the hospital and she was diagonsed with Anoreixa.
-It was finally Emma's senior year and she was once again finding herself determined to make it the greatest. At the beginning of the year, Peter had gotten a car for his birthday and Emma was happy for him but one afternoon while crusing, Emma bumps into an old flame named Sean, and his best friend, Jay. They talk and find out he is back at Degrassi, and when Sean offers to Mod Peter's car, Emma is nervous. Peter, Sean, and Jay get invovled in racing and later get introuble for it. Emma ends up making out with Sean and Peter feels threatened by him and plants weed in his locker, then getting Sean kicked out of Degrassi. Sean and Peter drag race and Sean ends up hitting someone and is sent to jail. Peter is under housearrest and Emma ends up finding out that Peter got Sean in trouble and breaks up with him. After Sean gets out of jail, he finds out that Jay and emma had a thing going on last year, he was upset and tried leaving but didn't. After sometime, Manny wanted to throw Liberty a party at Em's house and Sean and Emma wanted to start having sex, well Emma ended up getting drunk and ended up tossing her cookies. Then the school was shocked when JT was killed and Emma delayed her passionate night with Sean to protest against Lakhurst. Sean and Emma later explored birth control and started having sex, she later missed her period and thought she was pregnant, but wasn't and Sean went off into the military leaving alone. Deep down inside, Emma relaized that everything would be better
- (BEAR IN MIND THIS IS NOT OFF THE SHOW) Emma relaized the she was falling in love with her worst enemy, Jay Hogart, but how was she gonna tell Sean.

Posted by amandawriter125 at 1:30 AM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 6 November 2007 1:35 AM CST
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