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Well what do you think? I've sent you across the world to find this next clue. Ah your boyfriend can create "sites of webs" from nothing, ah what a talented one he is! Baby, I love you with all of my heart and my soul. And when I think of you, and our love I cannot help but think of how I am able to deserve you. You are truly my everything, and I want everyone in the world to know that. Today is our day baby! No one's but ours! Our day to celebrate the time we have spent together, and to look foward to our future!

Clue #4

Oh, but the journey isn't over my love! My next clue involves a little music. Search the area where your hands are able to produce such beautiful music. A place that makes me feel so at peace when I see how talented and beautiful you are! When there, search your piano, but more importantly search the area where you can find your music books to play the music! You also use this area to rest your bum when you play music! There you will find your next clue! I love you.