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All I've Got – The new fantasy-romance Movie

Oscar winning director Ron Howard has now teamed up with the producer J.J. Abrams for his new fantasy-romance project “All I've Got Movie”with the Paramount Pictures. All I’ve Got Movie is the remake of the writer-director Margalit Keren’s Israeli TV movie Kol Ma She’Yesh Li.

The plot

All I've Got Movie is all about a young and very-much-in-love man and woman. Unfortunately they meet up with a freak car accident where the man is killed. But later on after this accident the woman moves on in her life and marries another man and also has three children with him. Everything goes fine till this until the death of this woman and all the problems starts off here.

After her death in her afterlife she is given two choices and asked to select one. She can either forget all the memories of her life after that fateful accident and go back young and live with her first love or with for her second husband’s death and then join him.

Vulture has confirmed that the movie All I’ve Got is developing over at Bad Robot (with Howard onboard), but no details about who will be writing the new screenplay. The Playlist is speculating that Sarah Polley (Away from Her, Take This Waltz) might be handling that task, as she was previously rumored to be scripting an unspecified remake for the production company.

There are also many new concepts being framed on this All I’ve Got movie to make it not depict the Isreli background and fit the best to the American setting.  Right now the production company and studio that is bringing us Star Trek Into Darkness this summer is developing a theatrical feature adaptation of the Israeli TV movie Kol Ma She'Yesh Li which translates All I’ve Got and this is expected to be released very soon.