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Thursday, 5 September 2019
Best Alternatives To Canva

Are you looking for Canva alternatives for your DIY Graphic Design? Why it's on our list of Canva alternatives: Sometimes your design needs to beyond creating beautiful graphics. Canva's social media layouts can be used in Google+, Twitter, Facebook, Facebook Lead Ads and so on. DesignBold is a lot of similar tool to Canva.

In addition, you can share your creation on your social media accounts directly with the app. With its ability to create images and save or export them without creating an account, the free option is a great starting point. Free image editing and collage making app by Adobe.


Canva is equipped with professional tools that allow you to make edits on pictures, create a logo, and make graphic designs. I found Fotojet to be completely on par with Canva and its collage and Image editing sections took the cake with a cherry on top of it. The library of fonts, templates, and frames is not as big as Canva but seems to be growing steadily.

Easil recently changed the game for DIY Design Tools and it's my pick for the best Canva alternative, with their new team features including brand locking and brand kit (see below). The Stencil free version will allow you to quickly create 10 Canva alternative images a month from hundreds of social media sized templates.

For social media posts, try the third thing about the tool is that templates are categories by theme including travel, food, holidays. Thus, when you take charge of the platform, you build your visual from a minimalist interface where your content is at the center, surrounded by 5 basic tools and 4 categories (photos, icons, templates, quotes) ready to go.

One of the main differences between the two is that while Visme is specifically designed to help users create professional interactive and animated infographics, Canva does not offer the ability to create infographics as one of its core features (although you can create them with the tool).

Posted by alexisfwqy374 at 2:03 AM EDT
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