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moved south because the ice age progressed. With a completely unique B-nice blood kind, his hunter/gatherer ancestors ran east of the Urals, to the herbal barrier of the Caucasus Mountains. He is located in all the "stans", Kyrgystan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. His route led him to the Indus River valley and on to the Gangic plains where he determined considerable and fertile soil conducive to farming. Two growing seasons helped to facilitate agreement. His hair is satisfactory, red, blond or black with a huge face. A strong non violent man, the girls menstruate at an early age, enabling fast reproduction. His food deliver became considerable and there has been little need to undertaking east or west. His route changed into blocked by using the natural barriers of the Himalayans, and the seas. Here he could have a look at the celebs at night time to determine in 900BC that the Earth turned into now not the center of the Universe, however instead the Sun. It would take different civilizations any other 500 years to conclude this.

Other ethnic groups are the Hittites and the Semites. Study in Norway These tribes moved south from Kyrgystan to the Middle East. The Hittites moved into the Fertile Crescent and conquered a few of the tribes that had settled there earlier. The Semite accompanied and left small settlements along the manner in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Samarkand. The fundamental migrations of the Kazakh hordes had been known as Juz. However, he did not settle until he reached what's now Ethiopia. This is the start of his written records and calendar.

From there they moved to the Fertile Crescent after which into Egypt and eventually to Jerusalem. Since many tribes could easily join their nomadic tribes, they determined that the Jewish heritage should only be handed on via the woman. This selection is chargeable for the B-nice blood kind in most Jews these days. The Old Testament is a collection of writings through the Semites and start with the story of creation. All the whilst, they had been aware about the Egyptian civilization of much greater numbers and the Mesopotamian civilization. One query still puzzles me greatly. The second day of creation, in Genesis, God locations a dome over the Earth. I take this to be the atmosphere. This same tale is told in Norse folklore. They tell of a dome being positioned over the Earth, probably being fabricated from tin, to comprise the gas. Based at the limited technology of the day, how did early guy come to be privy to the atmosphere? He did now not see it, and at night it is invisible. Only the clouds are contained by using something, so perhaps it appeared logical. Yet, this information seems to be a large jump for early guy.

Saami's are an early mix of Scandinavian guy and Central European guy, and perhaps the Peruvian man. They are one of the few blends to live to tell the tale as a wonderful ethnic group. They migrated above the tree line of the north. The Blackfoot tribes in North America are direct descendants as are Samoyeds, Korean, Ainu and a few Australian Aboriginals. Still nomadic, their tents or teepees are the same as American Indians. Renee Zellwiger is of Saami descent.

Saami Tribe early 1900's
Indian Girl

C. Chilean guy
This man most likely started on what we now call Easter Island off the coast of Chile. This island changed into called Rapa Nui, or the navel of the World. At one time, the oceans have been lower and a sequence of mountain tops fashioned a ridge line to the continent of South America, and dotted closer to Australia. The stone men of Easter Island stand as an affidavit to the historical civilization that searches the skies for .....Something. This man has O-tremendous, Diego-terrible blood. His hair is best and round in shape, black in colour. His face is spherical and tends to shade easily. He turned into a medium sized hunter, and never felt the need to settle. Perhaps the trauma of flood and Tsunami created wanderlust and a worry of settling in one place. He become to end up the Incan Indian tribe that would inhabit maximum of South America. He traveled north and in the long run west, crossing the Bering instantly into Asia have been he observed the fertile delta of center China to eventually settle. His straight black hair can be seen in all Chinese today. This principle sets the standard theory of Asian guy crossing east to the Americas and becoming the American Indians on its head. However, if one agrees that the progression is from nomad to sedentary, then the story is greater palatable. In addition, he traveled to the east and crossed to Europe to establish the Celtic guy.



These are from South America Tiera del Fuego not ASIA

D Mayan man

Mayan guy originated in what we now recognise as Peru, South America. His direction was similar to that of the Chilean guy. He has coarse, round, black hair. His blood is O-positive, Diego-poor. His stature is stout with reddish skin. He is lactose illiberal. He additionally moved north in a migratory tour sample that led him to sprinkle the entire continent as well as the Pacific Northwest with his progeny. Many American Indians are his descendants and that they remained hunter/gatherers until forced to reservations within the overdue 1800's. They too, left little hint on the panorama as they lived carefully and used handiest what they wanted to live. This man traveled over the Bering straits and into northern China to establish settlements in Mongolia. Genghis Khan turned into the well-known leader of the Mongols who led his conquering warriors all the manner to establishing a settlement in Hungary before being crushed back relatively via the Romans. He should have persevered to the Atlantic Ocean had he a thoughts to, but the development stopped in Hungary aside from Finland wherein lactose-illiberal Mongolian guy is evident.


E. Egyptian guy

Much is written of Egyptian guy and his civilization. His blood kind is O+ Diego + and Rh+ exclusively. He became bounded by using the desolate tract to the west, mountains to the south and the Nile to the east. This man became forced to settle early and there has been little other than floods to make him migrate away. This is the key to early civilization in Egypt. The floods created a fertile soil capable of maintaining life in a essential way. Grains, fruits, and sparkling water with fish allowed Egyptian guy to contemplate his existence as well as settle in villages of larger magnitudes. As a rely of wanderlust and expansion, he traveled to the northeast and crossed to the fertile crescent of Mesopotamia. Later travels east into northern India and China to mix with nearby peoples have created the most important populations within the world. Egyptian man took expertise of towns with him and helped to settle the world. Early tour via water routes to Italy and Greece helped to establish the ones civilizations.

F. African man

This man is the source of all black guy and changed into locked into southern Africa. He was a hunter and tribesman with few mounted settlements. Bordered with the aid of wilderness, ocean and mountain, he lived off the local vegetation, fruit, nuts and wildlife. He has elliptical black frizzy hair and O-tremendous-Diego effective blood. Contrary to some beliefs, he did no longer evolve from either apes nor chimpanzees as neither of them has O-fine blood kinds. His migration became a pressured migration because of the slave trade. He turned into relocated to the Caribbean and North America and after the American Civil War migrated to the large towns within the northern USA. One important note, he's 100% O-nice. He also has blood agencies which can be extraordinary to him consisting of Duffy -. One migration of African man became eastward to Pakistan and India wherein he is known as Tamil. From there he moved on to Australia. These civilizations all practice male and girl circumcision. He additionally migrated to northern Japan, likely on a crusing ship with Scandinavian guy. He has longer forearms, a broad flat nostril and a longer head than maximum others.


Other barriers to migration, selective development

Why can we see one race or ethnic institution border any other with little or no blending? What is the root of prejudice? I put up that some became due to the early mixing of races and the young being stillborn due to the conflicting blood types. If childbirth created a dearth of stillborns, a natural prejudice might occur. Generally, if the baby is O or the same as the mother, A, B, etc, then there may be no problem. However, A rejects B and vice versa. RH+ and RH- blood types can cause an internal blood typhoon as one type creates antibodies to combat off the different. While this handiest occurs within the second or 1/3 child, sufficient instances could create an settlement of the races to split for the coolest of each races. Caucasians these days have 15% Rh- blood, even as Asian and African have 0% Rh-. This may be a survival bias that has been demonized over the years to save you a blending of deadly blood sorts. While it is able to well were the consequence and mutual agreement of the races, it may were folks lored into a much greater sinister tale. Certainly a important disaster consisting of hemophilia could be impetus to create an iron curtain between the races. Only later expertise of the Rh aspect might permit this bias to be positioned to rest.

Finally, it's been indicated by using the Hubble telescope that the moon does NOT circle the Earth. Rather, it has a wavy trajectory through which the Earth passes. The implications are enormous. We do now not have a "moon" and we should rename Monday. This statistics is being held close to the vest. It isn't always being taught in schools, neither is it being announced in any predominant fashion. Still, it has had sufficient stream as to be validated and offered on diverse tv specials. This is a main perception that lasted 5000 years simplest to be dashed via a new viewpoint. Viewpoints count!

Following is a timeline to place a number of these occasions in an affordable perspective.

10,000 BC Population one million Nomadic guy starts to settle

Evidence of maize domestication

Evidence of rice domestication in China and musical instruments

Evidence of domesticated animals in Asia and Africa

Pottery alongside the Nile
Monte Verde in Chile

6,000 BC Population 10,000,000 Man is assembly with greater frequency

Wheat barley domesticated in India Pakistan

Evidence of cities with streets at proper angles

Decimal machine created

Hieroglyphics in Egypt

3000 BC Population 25,000,000

Stonehenge mounted

Cuneiform writing developed

Written languages create civilizations
1 Population 200,000,000

Christ born

1800 Population 1 Billion Start of the Industrial revolution
1930 Population 2 Billion
1960 Population 3 Billion
1975 Population four Billion
1989 Population 5 Billion
2000 Population 6 Billion


It is not manageable to imagine civilized settlements having their residents traverse heaps of miles to end up nomadic grunters. The reverse is evident. Nomadic tribes have no want to settle. There are nomadic tribes being determined every decade in Borneo, or Brazil, or Africa. American Indians, Laplanders, Arabic barren region tribes are the remnants of early man. African tribes migrated most effective when forced. Man moved to friendly areas of the globe. Clear water, fish, game, grains, fruits, and vegetables precipitated man to settle. Barring natural catastrophe, battle or disease, civilized guy tends to live put, and live longer. He grows exponentially rather than the hunter/gatherer who limits increase to keep viability.

One component is sure; the differences in guy are fewer than the similarities. Modern technological know-how and the information of antibodies can allow a persisted trend of racial mixing and migration. A go back to Universal love and welcoming could be a step inside the right direction. Yet, the best subsequent step is probably return from matters of reason and impact returned to the hunt for that means and purpose. This is the domain of the spirit, and has been anemic for a few 2000 years.