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Types of Asanas Taught In Bikram Yoga

Bikram Yoga was founded by Bikram Choudhary who is known to be practicing this from the age of four. On an average, he used to practice his yoga style for four to six hours a day. He won the National India Yoga Championship at the age of thirteen and kept on winning until he retired three years from then after winning for the third time. He later broke down his style into 26 postures and also opened a college teaching these.Here are some of the postures as outlined by for your reference:

1. Pranayam: It is performed standing on your feet and breathing deeply. It would help you in preventing any problems that you might have regarding respiration.

2.Ardhachandrasana: As the name suggests, this posture describes the shape of the half-moon. This Bikram yoga type would help you grow your muscles stronger.

3.Utkatasana: Although it is done in an awkward position, it is known to have positive effects on the health for a person suffering from Arthritis.

4. Janusirasana: You would need to do this from your head to knee and it would help you improve muscle flexibility for hamstring issues.

5. Dhanurasana: This Bikram Yoga pose enables you to develop overall body balance and posture.

6. Trikonasana: The triangle shaped yoga posture would assist relieving any back pain you might have.

7. Tadasana: By standing tall like a tree with a straight back, this yoga posture would definitely improve your upper body strength.

8. Savasana: This posture literally means to lay down there like a dead body. It would help you to clean your blood and improve the circulation quite tremendously.

9. Padahastasana: This situp posture is devised in such a way that it would help improving the flexibility of the muscles of your legs.

10. Dhanurasana: In this posture, you would need to setup your body in the shape of a bow. This would help you immensely in improving the condition of your lungs by opening up your rib cage further and providing more space to expand your lungs properly.

These were some of the Bikram Yoga postures that you can try at home and let us know of your experiences with this amazing art of living form.