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Waterford Bedding  have been around for quite some time, but many people have never even had the chance to lie on one before. This is a shame, as these kinds of beds provide a unique experience. Every movement feels like you are right on top of the ocean, and the bed contours in unique ways to your body's curves.

While these days memory foam mattresses have taken the stage as being the best types of beds for your back and to relieve stress from your pressure points, Waterford Bedding can give almost that same level of comfort and relief. The fact that they have no springs gives them a truly unique feel once lied upon, and it is something that not even a memory foam mattress can compete with. That being said, they are not always as good for you as beds made of memory foam are. The fact that they have no real shape can be a hindrance if you have severe back pain, and for some it may just be downright uncomfortable.

The biggest complaint about Waterford Bedding from those who have tried them and did not like them (as well as people who have just plain not tried them) is that the beds do not support the body were it is needed. As the beds are filled with water, they do not provide any real support to any specified areas of the body, as opposed to inter-spring mattresses which have constant support and memory foam ones that contour themselves to your body. This is a viable critique, as for some people that lack of any true support may just be too much on their spine.

There is one thing that a water bed has that other types of beds do not: heat. The water in these beds is heated to keep it from freezing in the winter, and can be adjusted to the owners liking. This makes them very therapeutic for many who have other types of joint pains than those in their back because the bed provides an all-around heat that can reach just about anywhere. For many, this benefit alone negates the lack of any true support.

While these beds are not really meant for those with back problems or those with joint pain, they are quite comfortable. Their bad reputation over the years is unwarranted, as they are truly comfortable beds for just about anyone to sleep on. Though they can get to be quite expensive, the type of comfort they provide is worth the expense for many. Waterford   Bedding   are the underdog in the bed and mattress market, but they should definitely be considered if you are looking for an extremely comfortable mattress to lie down on at night.