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     My second God!!

No love is greater than a mother's love no care is greater than a father's. Parental love or care is very important for a child to get a empathy for him or her to develop fully to his conscience. We all were having a kind of  adamant character in our childhood but it is how we got trained by our parents ,how to behave  to the society we belong. Taking a little pride i should say i have the best parents in the world.With all the difficult situations they brought me up to my present situation which i would have never dream of, as  doing my undergraduate course in a prestigious institution where they give me a new life in front of me which appears very tough for me but later on the strength which they have provided me guided through the right path.Words are not sufficient to thank them, its impossible for me or you to express it. But whenever a person ask me to describe about something i just love to start with this topic because this is my favorite subject and my favorite people.