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Top 10 Horror Movies

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10. Ringu


After the death of her cousin Tomoko, reporter Reiko hears stories of a videotape that kills everyone who sees it exactly one week after viewing. At first
she discounts the rumors, but when she learns that Tomoko’s friend (who watched the video with her) died at exactly the same time, she begins to
investigate. After viewing the tape herself, strange things start happening, and so she teams up with her ex-husband to try to stop the death clock that
has once again begun ticking.

9. Jaws

A Great White Shark decides to make the small beach resort town of Amity his private feeding grounds. This greatly frustrates the town police chief who
wants to close the beaches to chase the shark away. He is thwarted in his efforts by the town’s mayor who finally relents when nothing else seems to
work and the chief, a scientist, and an old fisherman with revenge on his mind take to the sea to kill the beast.

8. Poltergeist


While living an an average family house in a pleasant neighborhood, the youngest daughter of the Freeling family, Carol Anne (Heather O’Rourke), seems
to be connecting with the supernatural through a dead channel on the televison. It is not for long when the mysterious beings enter the house’s walls. At
first seeming like harmless ghosts, they play tricks and amuse the family, but they take a nasty turn- they horrify the family to death with angry trees and
murderous dolls, and finally abduct Carol Anne into her bedroom closet, which seems like the entrance to the other side

7. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

En route to visit their grandfather’s grave (which has apparently been ritualistically desecrated), five teenagers drive past a slaughterhouse, pick up (and
quickly drop) a sinister hitch-hiker, eat some delicious home-cured meat at a roadside gas station, before ending up at the old family home… where they’re
plunged into a never-ending nightmare as they meet a family of cannibals who more than make up in power tools what they lack in social skills…

6. Carrie


Carrie White is a shy young girl who doesn’t make friends easily. After her class mates taunt her about her horrified reaction to her totally unexpected
first period one of them takes pity on her and gets Tommy Ross, her boyfriend and class hunk to invite Carrie to the senior prom. Meanwhile another girl
who has been banned from the prom for her continued aggressive behaviour is not as forgiving and plans a trick to embarrass Carrie in front of the whole
school. What she doesn’t realise is that Carrie is … gifted, and you really don’t want to get her angry.

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