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Zhejiang Xinli Actinic Industry Co.,ltd. was founded in 1993, amidst in a city-limits with admirable scenery, adequate transportation, and developed actinic industry. Main online writing are the polymer chrism which registered cast is "Ke-li-sen", including acrylic alternation chrism for Architectural Coatings and acrylic additives, just like styrene-acrylic emulsion, acrylic emulsion, silicone-acrylic emulsion, adjustable acrylic emulsion, the ashamed accoutrement Closed latex, acrylic copolymer emulsion, sealing emulsion, and different accession abettor and dispersing agent, acclimated in a adjustment of adapted types of accomplishment requirements of centralized and conflicting coffer paint. At the above time, our accession does assay and development of different kinds of acrylic chrism alternation of bolt accoutrement acrylic and bolt admixture waterproofing glue, which is acclimated in the bolt cavalcade processing. In addition, the accession develops the online writing of waterborne polyurethane acclimated in accoutrement and accouterment absolute and adhering which is adapted to bond.

Our accession has anesthetized accepting of ISO9001 above system, accepting of anatomy administering adjustment and accepting of the administering adjustment of job affirmation and health. Meanwhile, it is awarded the appellation of "High-New Technology activity of Zhejiang Province" and "High-New Technology assay and development centre of Zhejiang Province".

The acrylic chrism we after-effects gets the honorary titles as "National Torch Program Item", "National Key and New Product", "High-tech Online writing of Zhejiang Province", "Zhejiang Provincial Torch Program Item", "Special Science and Technology Item of Zhejiang Province", "Famous Cast of Shaoxing" and "Famous Cast of Shaoxing", etc.

The news:

What is Waterborne Polyurethane Adhesive and Its Classification Introduction

Water-based colorful paint, refers to the water as a solvent or dispersion of a kind of coating, in the water-based paint construction process, spraying method is one of the most important way. So for water-based paint spraying construction, what skills?
With the continuous development of society, water-based paint has been rapid progress, as a new type of paint, I believe we did not get a comprehensive understanding and understanding, let alone water-based paint spraying construction techniques, but no relationship in the Xiaobian here to collect the relevant points for your reference.
In the water-based paint construction process, the surface coating with the coating method, can be a thin and uniform coating, for different geometric shapes, holes, cracks, rugged, paint can be distributed evenly; for spraying large surface , More brushing more quickly and effectively, you can currently spray coating is the most important method of water-based paint construction process.
Dilution of the coating Mix the paint with a clean water to adjust the viscosity of the coating to a coating with a 4-viscometer, and the appropriate viscosity is generally 20 to 30 seconds. Usually with a paint into a straight line, instantly cut into a drop down, the viscosity is appropriate.
Atmospheric pressure control In the operation of water-based paint spraying operation, the air pressure should be within 0.3-0.4 MPa, the pressure is too small, affecting the overall effect, and the pressure is too large, not only a waste of material will affect the operator's health.
Nozzle and the object of the distance control is generally 300 to 400 mm is appropriate, of course, can also be 10 mm to 50 mm between the small range of adjustment, if not within the range, then it is difficult to get the most ideal film.

Contact us:

Zhejiang Xinli Chemical Industry Co.,ltd.

Add:No. 12, Wei Seven Road, Hangzhou Bay Shangyu Economic Development Zone, Shangyu District, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, China

  • Contacts:Kimi
  • Tel:0086-0575-82560088
  • Fax:0086-575-82051479
  • Mob:0086-13735221615
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