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Autoclaved aerated concrete can be a certified green construction material plus it's used for just business, industrial and residential structures. Autoclaved aerated concrete is a durable building product, that will be produced in a diverse range of sizes and strengths. Assessing to the red bricks AAC blocks are three times lighter weightreduction. Autoclaved aerated concrete blocks are more porous, renewable, non-toxic and biodegradable. The AAC blocks materials were formulated in 1924 at Sweden. Autoclaved aerated concrete(AAC) has become one of the most used building products in Europe as well as also other countries.

AAC Blocks Price In India

AAC is developed with common materials such as sand, gravel, drinking water and also a little quantity of rising agent. When molding and mixing these all products, it is generated a unique property by using autoclaved under heat and pressure. Autoclaved aerated concrete has an excellent acoustic and thermal insulation properties. AAC substance is environmentally friendly and economically superior to the traditional and structural construction materials such as hardwood, stone, concrete and brick.

AAC cubes vs reddish bricks:

Today AAC cubes are quite popular materials and also a unique kind of construction material owing to its superb solid resistance, heat, and flame. Autoclaved aerated concrete blocks are light weight and provide very supreme versatility, workability, and durability. AAC cubes are main substances are employed in sand, water, soil, gypsum, along with quicklime. Due to the compound reaction in aluminum paste supplies the AAC cubes are lightness, porous framework, and insulating material properties.

AAC cubes vs reddish bricks

AAC substances are wholly dissimilar to quality and developed in contrast to other lightweight concrete substances. Sorts are removed from the AAC cube materials, but it's solid to seeing and soft to get base. Next, it's cut to panels blocks and placed in an autoclave room for 1 2 hrs.

The temperature reaches the 190 degrees and pressure reaches on the 9 into 1-2 pubs, during this steam pressure and hardening process. The quartz sand responds with all the calcium hydroxide to form calcium silicate hydrate, it gives the AAC its high durability and additional properties that are unique.