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big news, so i'll just get to it... first off, blaine will be back next saturday, the 22nd. i can't remember how long he's going to be here at the moment though, but we are going to try to have one last show as V.T.O.C. while he's here. which brings me to the second matter at hand, after that we will have officially dissipated and reformed as With Hostile Intent. the new web site is under construction, but for future reference it is here. we have evolved as a band, and as musicians, so we felt it was time for a change.

- >>$pider<<


alright folks, serious update this time. we've been going through a lot of shit lately, but i'm not going to bore you with all the details. to sum it up...we got fucked over and now we have to find new living arrangements. this has severly hindered our ability to practice/look for shows/do anything as a band. we're still together and everything, but until we get this situation taken care of there will not be many updates. of course, this happens shortly after i promise to continue updating the site regularly again...go figure. anyways...i think thats about it for now. i'll let you know as soon as we get this all straightened out, and start looking for shows again. until then...may your ones be cold and your women be of age.



this doesn't really have anything to do with music, but hey, that never stopped anyone from putting anything on this web site before right? besides, i run this bitch, i can do whatever i want. anyways...i was fucking around on here the other day when i noticed something strange:

could this just be a glitch, or...THE DATE SET FOR ARMAGEDDON! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

alright, i'm done wasting your time.



no luck thus far finding shows...or, for that matter, time to practice...we've been doing a lot of writing though, in an attempt to redefine our sound...not quite sure what kind of reaction it's going to get, but i guess time will tell...untill then...




it's official. "children of the first born" no longer exists. we have a more than suitable replacement for it in the works though, and another new song that has been finished already. no new shows yet, but i'm working on it...oh yeah, im going to be updating the site regularly again...so keep checking back



HAHA! I put a new song up. the website has officialy been updated...now stop your fuckin bitchin. whores



SUCCESS!!!!!!! its been so fu..er..freaking long that i forgot the darnded password...that is all

R.I.P. DIMEBAG - you will surely be missed



alright...its been forever since we've updated this thing...anyways...yes we are still a band...we just haven't done much of anything except for writing new material...and mostly just trying to get our lives in order...a lot of weird shit's been happening...but anyways...for those who have tried to get a hold of us...we don't have the internet at base camp anymore...but...we will be looking to do some shows in the coming months so i will try to get a hold of those you who have been trying to get a hold of me...anyways...everybody have fun and cross your fingers - dblade

If anyone has any information on where we can play a show,
or if you're a band and you want to get together for a show,
email us at webmaster@vtoc.net

Copyright 2003-2005 V.T.O.C.