18 Sep 05 I have been spending time and money (of cause) on my M4 project Pictures with the blue border are clickable, just hit back to come back here (you will increase the access count at the bottom this way, it is better to right click and "open in new window"
After scanning the Absolute Air, Land and Sea, CD, I started printing the plans for the M4 (early) Sherman. To be built from 3mm alluminium sheet.
New tools purchased
170 amp MIG Welder, need to get alluminium wire and argon gas. and also learn to weld..
Front Glacis and roof cutout
Sides and rear plate cutout
Current Panels in place with Gaffa tape
Different angle
Mounted on Ply Hull
Rear Plate on Ply Lower Hull
View of front left with drivers IR camera in place
25 Sep 05 UPDATE I have started the welding process for the upper hull. Pictures as follows
7 Oct 05 UPDATE More progress on the Upper Hull. Pictures as follows
13 Nov 05 UPDATE The lower Hull has be cutout and bent to shape, as can be seen in the following pictures
20 Dec 05 UPDATE I have gotten bored with waiting for the bank account to fill up sufficiently to allow me to purchase parts and equipment to continue construction in alloy, so have started to prototype (keeping busy on holidays) parts in MDF/ply/whatever is laying around garage, roadwheels have been started
2 Jan 06 UPDATE I have gotten to the stage now that I want to see it move, so I have started 'Prototyping' the drive train, suspension and tracks (going for a sprocketed Tyng)
The nose is being added
The sprocket and hub
4 Jan 06 UPDATE Ihave started on the track links and front sprocket