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Petes Sherman Tank Page

My TURBOCAD (.TCW) plans based on the Dragon 1:35 M51 ISHERMAN
The Sherman sprocket, hub and axel
The engine cover
Track section
Sherman Suspension Arm

My Pictures so far. Ignore the dates as the camera isnt set yet!

Pictures with the blue border are clickable, just hit back to come back here (you will increase the access count at the bottom this way, it is better to right click and "open in new window"

So far I have gotten 3 or 4 view pictures from all over the web, and converted them to a sorta 1/6 scale and then taken some basic measurements from there to create my nightmare.
The Pictures below show my templates made from 3mm MDF and held together with hot glue. Now to take it apart and get a friendly metal shop to cut them out in either steel or aluminium (still not sure what yet)

Image hosted by Photobucket.comPicture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3
Picture 4 (possible engine configuration) Picture 5 (30cc Whipper Snipper Motor)
Picture 6 (2 stroke motor) Picture 7 (nice butt view) Picture 8

Updated 7 Jul 05
I have cut the sand shields down so they fit under the upper sides, and I have extended the lower sides, so they now reach all the way back to the rear plate.
I will up date again when I have done the transmission housing

Extended the side to reach the Rear Plate Possible location for extraction Fans (like the real thing)
Lots of room for the electric option
Lots of room for the Petrol option also Head room for the petrol Motor
One of my helpers There will be lots of space for either motor option
enough room for both motor options (now theres an idea)

Updated 16 Jul 05
So far I have cut out a basic sprocket (Actually my dad did it on his scroll saw) made a basic hub by cutting out disks then cutting out the centres with a hole cutter on my bench drill. I have also added the transmission housing sides.
Next weekend will see my trying to construct the suspension and road wheels. Still prototyping in 3mm MDF, but hoping to use them as templates for the real stuff. Till next time.

Sides for the transmission housing and the sprocket and hub sprocket
sprocket and hub on Hull Closeup of sprocket and hull
How it looks so far

Updated 17 Jul 05
Whilst I was starting to mark out the turret ring on the upper deck I discovered that I had screwed up (NOTE TO SELF check measurements, check measurements and check measurements), the width of the upper hull is out by 50mm on each side.

I have updated the pictures to be clickable.

Updated 20 Jul 05
I have recut the upper hull to the correct size 180mm wider.

I now have the sacrificial victim (laptop) that will become the Brain of the control system. Dick Smith electronics have come to the party by allowing me to purchase a K-2805 Parallel Port Interface, which will allow me to control upto 8 relays/motors and monitor 8 voltages (battery/ammo count/etc) and to control them all remotely via my wireless network.

now for the updated photos!

laptop laptop again but closer and yes the rc car battery is powering it!!
just to show how much I screwed up the red shows the original part
again showing how much I screwed up. the error occured when moving parts around in turbocad.
More room inside the upper hull.
the front showing the repaired sprocket hub (mdf isnt that strong)
showing one of the suspension arms next to the sprocket
Just to show the difference between the 1:10 hull I created (Couldnt fit my wiper motors in it) and 1:6 hull

Picture of the CAD track link

Update 13 Aug 05
I have started converting 14mm Ply (was the floor to a 12ft zodiac found at the tip, the zodiac died)to sawdust and somehow thru the whole process constructing the lower hull for my Sherman, the pictures are as follows:
Hull floor and sides fitted
Showing hull floor and sides joined using finger joints, Next time will use router not jigsaw
Showing sponson sides fitted, two wiper motors sited and one H bridge speed controller.

Update 17 Aug 05
I have started contruction of the suspension bogies (funny name),using 14mm ply cut from cad file, 19mm broom handle, and wheels from kids roller blades (they left them in my garage/workshop/place I hide from the world)

the pictures are as follows:

Showing one wheel fitted and pivot points
This one shows the cad image glued to ply
Another shot of pivot and wheel

Update 22 Aug 05
I got carried away with some 3mm aluminium, aluminium brazing rods and a blow torch, tried my hand a constructing one of the six (6) suspension station, it took me about 8hrs to build one, and that was using the guestimation method for most of it, cant cut a straight line, or drill on the line either (more practice required)

the pictures are as follows:

Update 31 Aug 05
In yet another self inflicted delay to contruction, I have purchased a CD "Absolute Air, Land and Sea Sherman M4 Tank" ISBN 0-304-35689-1

This cd utilises Quicktime to provide, scale plans, pictures and history of the M4 sherman. So with this in mind I am redesigning my M4A3E8 to the early M4 VVSS. Will keep this page updated....... and probably total rebuild of site to follow.....
