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 Missy friskin fellin pimplets

risky business shellen digits

shakin hiplets showin skin lets

get it on the song won't end

till the dawn I’ll stay unbended

keep it strong I’ll be your friend

till our ends meet end to end

and I’ll send you home elated

jaded, faded, drive abated

naked, slayed, and happy takin

all in all the bacon shaken

but not stirred up with a flirt

I would concur it was a blur

just a slur from alcoholic

sexaholic diabolic-

bringin all it to the table

while i'm able and unstable

in the head for your delight

i can help you with this plight

just ignore your need for flight

and fight the right fight, the night fight

while lite brite keeps the mood right

gasping happy early mornings

simple loving hugging borings

keep you happy during shore leave