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Ah yes, engineering

manufacturing, gearing

designing and steering

your standard of living


Be economical

and keep it ethical

making all practical

products to give to yall


Product distribution

market, sell the solution

fill the skies with pollution

and your pockets with new funds


so boring, monotonous

to sit through so long a class

just so that i can pass

and have a career that lasts


Well i gues it depends

it's a means to an end

to financial amends

when i pay off my lend-


ers and render a slender

new plan for the future

i'm hungry like you were

to confuse and to stir


up the crowd with my work

making beauty from dirt

and money doesn't hurt

ladies stop and they flirt


cause they think i'm all smart

physics seems to hard

to the flys at the bars

and not worth the new cars

and they think i'm from mars

maybe mentally scarred


but i'm not i'm on top

of my game glad i came

stood fast, did the right thing

studied engineering