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It is... Shuichi!! I play PSO just so I can look at him all the time. There's a whole fanfic I've written about this guy, ...but I'm never sharing it. Bwahaha. I'll tell you that it concerned the Calus sidequests, though. Man, there's just something about them FOmars!! BUT back to the original subject, which is this pic. The pose is from one of the Record of Lodoss War books but I forget which one. The hand like that was just so cool I had to do something with it! I think my original intention was to have him casting some spell, but I didn't want to cover up any of his gnarly costume! Oh yeah, I didn't have a FOmar pic reference, so the costume is 100% made up by me trying to remember exactly what he looks like. I didn't know it when I named him, but when I looked up the kanji for "Shuichi" I learned that it means "crimson one."
And finally, let's give three cheers for the pink-haired man in the dress. Huzzah, huzzah, huzzah.
BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE!! Can you find the Dragon Warrior 3 logo in this picture?!! HUH?! CAN YOU!?!! (hint: it's on his hand o_O;)