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The Warrior of the Rising Sun, as seen in KoB Jing #5. So there they are, the Warrior on one side of the arena and Jing on the other, swords drawn and held in an offensive stance. They charge toward the other, as their blades clash in a flurry of sparks. Again and again they collide, neither showing signs of fatigue, dodging at the very last possible moment as death narrowly misses. As they circle one another, the arena becomes a ballroom, and the combatants are graceful dancers. One final time they strike, and at some point during the impact, the Warrior's sword flies out of reach and lands several yards away... For with the certainty of the sun rising, the sun must also eventually set... The taste of victory becomes evident to Jing, until an angered onlooker leaps between the two, flailing wildly... the defensless Warrior is knocked aside in the confusion, and the armor dark as shadow crumbles, revealing that the mysterious assassin is actually none other than...!!