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  Re-Opening of The Conquerors!
 Posted by: Hangnail, Formerly DarkCloud
Hey everybody! I have taken a leap of faith and decided to bring back an old friend. [CON] or otherwise known as "The Conquerors" was the very first clan I ever ran along with a friend of mine. After being in a few other clans like "The 88th Battalion" and "The United Armed Forces", I have decided it's time for me to get back in the drivers seat and run the show. I believe we will only be playing MoH:AA for now. In the near future I plan on expanding to other games as well though. I hope this time, the clan will work out. Everyone wish me good luck!

  Recruitment has started!
 Posted by: Hangnail, Formerly DarkCloud
I have just finished putting the bare essentials of the site up so bare with me. But I feel that we are ready to start recruiting. In case you don't know, we will be recruiting for MoH:AA only until we get settled in. I urge all members to recruit whenever possible. I or one of the other members will try to have a chat room open in Game Spy where I would like some members to come to. You don't have to speak, just idle there. This way people can leave their contact info. and we can get back to them. Please note, all members MUST have MSN installed or have mIRC. I would rather them have MSN for now because I haven't set up a mIRC channel yet.

  Game Spy Arcade, Please Idle
 Posted by: Hangnail, Formerly DarkCloud
Ok, everyday I or another member of [CON] will try to set up a chat room where we can idle in. I need you to idle here for a couple of reasons: 1) It makes us look like a fair sized, well organized clan, which in turn will attract recruits ;). 2) If someone enters the room and leaves their contact info., chances are, one of us will see it and hopefully write it down somewhere, so we can recruit them. 3) We may just be holding a meeting, so even if you don't want to idle, please enter the chat room and check in to see if we are holding a meeting or not.

  Member Jobs
 Posted by: Hangnail, Formerly DarkCloud
I am now looking for members who want a job. Jobs will include: Diplomacy (Allies and Enemies) 2 positions open, Web Team (Help build the website etc) 2 positions open, Forum Moderators (Must be trusted with a good service record, not available to new recruits) 4 positions open, Artists (Sig and Avatar designers, only make sigs and avatars for clan members unless I say otherwise) 6 positions open, Treasurer (Handles the donations etc once we start accepting them) 1 position open, Match Organizer (Organizes matchs, scrims, practices and anything else to do with us playing as a clan) 2 positions open. Contact me if you want one of these jobs. Remember to state your name, rank, and contact info. in the message.

 Posted by: Hangnail, Formerly DarkCloud
I have a few methods of communication that members must use at least 1 of:

-MSN Messenger

-Game Spy Arcade

-mIRC (Channel not yet set up)

-Team Speak (Server not yet set up)

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