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The Enthusiastic and Passionate Biker

Name:Zymond Wong W.Y.

Welcome to my website!!! As the title of my website states..i'm an enthusiastic and passionate rider!! I currently own 4 motorbikes:
-Kawasaki ZZR1100
-Yamaha XJR1200
-Honda Goldwing GL1500
-Modenas 115

Do visit the following photo albums i've uploaded (do this by clicking on the bandanna-guy buttons below). I welcome all bikers to join in the occasionally motorcycle trips that my group ("Have Bike Will Travel") organises from time to time. The next trip i'm organising is a 2D/1N trip to Malacca on the morning of 26th April 2003. Click here to see the info ad and feel free to contact me at Maxspeed (417, Race Course Road, Singapore 218664. Tel:62990041) for inquiries! :D

Trip to Cameron Highland from 15th-17th Feb 2003

My garage

since 16 March 2003 0357hrs..