Are you ready to go where no President has gone before? Then check out Timothy Lim's Indiegogo crowdfunded Space Force Trump comic! This venture was pretty awesome and I was honored to contribute to its creation by creating a special Space Force Adventure Trump action figure that was offered as a $1000 backer kit! The only one ever created, Space Force Trump was made using a Marvel Legends Starlord upper body, Blade lower legs, fodder hands, Moon base Dr Evil helmet, and a Trump headcast by Mos Eisley Castings. I was given promo art to work with and copied it as closely as I could using parts and pieces from my bins along with Apoxie Sculpt to tie it all together. One 'Starburst' rifle made from a Terminator gun later and he was finished! The base came from a Matrix real world Neo and the creepy Hillary-alien tentacle in the back was an X-men brood tail and some Rathnar tentacles. Now one lucky Trump supporter owns this figure so thank you for helping MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Want to own one of my customs like this one? Head on over to my *Ebay Auctions*
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