Transformers Animated Toxitron Custom Figure

Who's Toxitron? He's one of unreleased figures shown at Botcon by Hasbro, originally a remold of the G2 Laser Prime. Here I've gone and created his Transformers Animated counterpart using a TFA Wreck-Gar. The prime-ish head came from a Koto-Takara PVC bust of Prime, his alternate Hazmat head came from a DC Direct Armory Batman helmet. I wanted to be able to swap between an original look at the Laser Prime version with the heads and gave him a Toxitron label, as well as the pea-soup n' purple paint job.

You can pop off the dumpster-posts and I added a toxo-blaster made from a GI Joe RoC weapon, as well as the buzzsaw from an Astro Boy Buzzsaw Samurai robot. Toxitron may never see the light of day on the shelves but you can see him here in TFA form!


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