Custom NINJA AMBUSH! Snake Eyes GI Joe and foes

You can never have enough ninja! That's what a friend told I whipped up a 'Ninja ambush' for GI Joe's Snake Eyes!

Rend is the creepy strap-wrapped one and made from a Rex Doctor ROC figure along with Revoltech Griffonlabor hands and a special Slayer Designs custom cast head.

Sever is the male ninja made from a Resolute Cobra Trooper head, ROC Duke body, and ROC Paris persuit Snake Eyes legs. Hands came from an Iron Man 2 Whiplash.

Lashe the female ninja was made from a Slayer Designs headcast with Spiderman movie Black Cat ponytail, ROC Scarlett body. I believe everyone's feet were swapped around for tabi feet. Her whips were modded from the iron man 2 Hammer droid whips.

Snake Eyes was made from a bunch of Snake Eyes combined like the Resolute Head/upper legs, 25th body, then adding POC Firefly shins, Tron Black Guard feet, ROC Duke's forearms, and somebody else's shoulders.

I can't remember where they came from but I had about 5 pairs and they weren't GI Joe feet. They came from some other figure series...hmmm.

Ninja Ambush

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