Custom Marvel Legends Sentinel

This part classic, part new designed Sentinel was made from a DC Superheroes Mongul body and Ultimate Rhino hands. When I saw Mongul in stores he just screamed 'Sentinel' with the giant boots, stocky body, and that purple/pink paint ops they had already given him. Some Apoxie sculpt later and I sculpted a new Sentinel face over Mongul's and detailing for his body. Had to sand off all those little rivets too, there were a ton. I used four tones of purple/magenta for his color scheme and airbrushed shading on. The weapon pod was just something I had left over and with a laser blast from one of those Mr Fantastic Figure Factory kits. Best thing of all is the Sentinel works for Marvel legends, Superhero Showdown, and even heroclix scale, there's been so many different heights of Sentinels over the years.
