Halo 3 Team Phantom 'Hayabusa Elite'

"If you can’t stand the heat… call in the Spartan Firebug! Called ‘Firebugs’ from the antennae-looking hoses that feed their suit coolant, these soldiers can be called out to handle blazing crashes or lay down a blazing inferno at a moment’s notice using the flame gauntlet."

"Hayabusa Spartan here is the team’s melee-combat specialist and wears a modified Mjolnir ‘Full Mobility Suit’ that offers a greater range of movement in exchange for less protection against firearms. But that’s ok as he considers himself the ‘elite’ member of the team who can’t be shot, slicing into his opponents with his giant chakram and katana before they can even draw on him."

I still have a few more Team Phantom members to make but Hayabusa adds to the fray. He was made from a Hayabusa Spartan figure with major modifications to the armor to maxamize articulation. Almost every section of his armor had some part removed or stripped down. Line up your regular Halo figure next to the screen and you can see what was changed. I had the weird death-rings from the Kingdom Hearts Axel figure and used my M.A.P. system to attach one to his back. The sword came from a Marvel Legends Elektra/Ronin 2-pack.

Hayabusa Spartan

Email: jinsaotome@hotmail.com