Chaos Corps Blackest Night Joker custom figure

"Joker of Earth you are tormented by unyielding chaos. You belong to the Chaos Lantern Corps."

AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHahahahahahah!! The Joker has a Power Ring and all heck has broken loose! This never actually happened in the comics but I got to thinking, what spectrum would the Joke fit into if he had been in Blackest Night? Yellow? Orange? When no good answer presented itself I had to create an all new lantern spectrum, the Chaos Corps complete with my original design of a chaos-style lantern symbol. This Elseworlds-ish Joker was made from a Shocker toys Shadowhawk body, some style of Joker head, Titanium man hands, Abby Chase boots, and a Batman utility belt. His smiley construct is the wrecking ball from DCU Iron and the chaos lantern battery was made from a spare head and regular green lantern battery.

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