Custom 'Final Battle' Ironhide Transformers Figure

For my new Ironhide I decided to do a scuffed up, battle-worn, movie-mod one. Right away you'll notice his right hip has been replaced as per his lore and his left eye has the scar across it. The hip was made from random part add-ons and the scar, well, just take a knife to him. IH's faceplate has been resculpted to be round like in the movie, a battle-mask I think. The smokestacks on his Topkick form have been extended too! I know people were complaining about how they needed to be longer and with part of Moon Knight's staff along with some Fixit Sculpt, I did just that. His 'final battle' look has been completed with a much more complex paint job and tiny scuffmarks over the robot and vehicle form. Now Ironhide has the scars to prove his age and his wisdom!
