Custom Heretic Grunt Action Figure from Halo

He's small, gold, and angry. He's the Heretic Grunt! I've had quite a few emails asking me to make this little guy and what better time now that the Halo series 2 figures are hitting. He was made from the basic McFarlane grunt from series 1, backpack methane tubes from a Valor vs Venom BAT weapon arms, facial methane tubes from IG 88 parts and other random sections, and his chest armor from all sorts of stuff I had laying around. Yes, Doc Ock claws were involved again, heh. He was given a dark gold (it's not copper, just shows up like that in the pics) basecoat with a black wash and bright gold highlights/additional sections. I'm really liking the Games Workshop metallics for all my my metal work. They drybrush and paint on so well once you thin them a bit. So here you go, the crazy Heretic Grunt.

Heretic Grunt
