Custom Halo 3 Jin Saotome 'Crossover' Figure!

You read it right, my newest custom incorperates none other than Jin himself into the Halo universe. He was created using the Spartan EOD as it lended itself to the rounded shoulder pads and V-type chest. Spikes, panels, and armor came from some Kotobukiya 'Modeling Suppor Goods' which are little generic parts and pices for you to use on Gundam kits. I used a Jin Saotome gashapon pvc figure for the head, pouches, and knee armor, fabricating the rest out of random parts and using some modded Human Torch movie flames. After mulling it over I decided Jin needed a helmet so I reculpted the EOD helm to look like the Blodia's head, Jin's mecha he uses in the Cyberbots game! A bit of wired ribbon for a scarf and Jin was complete. To date probably my most enjoyable custom to make.

Jin Saotome
