Custom Frost King Loki with Frost Giant Army (Marvel Universe 1:18)

For a while I've thought, what would Loki look like if he were to take on his true heritage as a Frost Giant? We saw his hand turn partially blue in the movie Thor so I went with that, a blue-skinned red-eyed "Frost King". Loki is a repaint of the Thor 3 3/4" movie line King Loki with iced-armor effects. His Frost Giant Army is comprised of eight Giants all tweaked in different ways to stand out from one another. Some have different colored tattoos, altered loincloths, different skin shades, icy armor, frost limbs (Frost Shaman) and the Onyx armored Frost Giant Commander. One even has fully iced-up fists courtesy of a RedaKai figure and acrylic ice. Their weapons were painted with Tamiya clear blue and given white-blue highlights. Add some fake snow and a special Ice-spear for Loki to wield and he's ready to take the throne of Jotunheim for himself!

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