He's a gunslinging, bank robbing, dusty-trails kinda merc and they call him Deadman Wade. This 'Western Deadpool' is my very first figure in my Deadpool Through the Ages line where I'll be doing different variations of your favorite merc-with-a-mouth. What if Deadpool had lived during the Viking age? Or perhaps Pharaoh Deadpool of the Pyramids. Ooh, better yet, Black Knight Deadpool all decked out in armor! The possibilities are endless. This particular Deadpool was made from a Carnage torso, Moon Knight head with sculpted tattered mask, Western Ghost Rider hat/coat/arms/legs, Doc Ock hands and Scarecrow boots. His 'gunblades' were made from Spiral's swords and some Sigma 6 pistols. The gunbelt and rope-webgear came from GI Joe figures and completed his outlaw look. So watch out if you have a stagecoach full of gold, Deadman Wade might be riding you down!
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