Custom Bionic Commando Action Figure

With so many Bionic Commando variations to choose from (original, Spencer, Rearmed, Rearmed 2) I couldn't decide which one to make. Then it hit me, why not make my own version by mixing all of them! So I took a little from each game's character and created a brand new 6" Bionic Commando. The base body is a Marvel Legends Winter Soldier, wrestling figure's head with sculpted shades, legs from Iron Man, Bionic Arm from a Transformers Ravage/Neo Shifters sections, Bionic Lance from a Starscream MechTech weapon, Bionic Gatling from a Heavy Metal Fakk accessory, and a custom made claw/wire grapple. Now Bionic Commando is ready to take on anything from army personnel to a tank!

Bionic Commando Figure

Custom Bionic Commando

Looking to buy some custom action figures like the ones you see here? Look no further! You can find Marvel Legends, Transformers, GI Joe, DC Comics, video game characters, and other great customized toys in the links below.
