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A Warhammer 40,000 Game of Zombies

Infestation Rules rewritten January 2020!


General Rules

Zombie Rules

Zombie Shooting Table



Ammo Rolls

Weapon Table

Special Rules for Weapons




Hand Flamers


Plasma Guns

Missile Launchers and Grenade Launchers

Cyclone Missile Launcher

Assault Cannon

Suppressor Shield

Power Maul


Two-Handed Close Combat Weapons

Thrown Weapons


Frag Grenades

Krak Grenades

Photon-Flash Flare

Smoke and Blind



Molotov Cocktail

Sustained Fire

Vehicle Rules

Zombies Mobbing Vehicles

Additional Rules

Fear Rules

Fire and Burning Rules


It can happen to anyone! You are minding your own business experimenting with bio-weapons or an ancient artefact, a strange comet passes your world, and next thing you know you are up to your ears in walking dead. They have anti-social diets and no conversation other than “UUURRRG” and “Braiins!” Where did you last see that shotgun?

Note that Games Workshop have an official zombie profile for use in WH40K games.

Games Workshop Chapter Approved Zombie Profile

The zombies used in Infestation are somewhat more powerful and challenging but this is balanced by the modified weapons rules used in Infestation.

A non-WH40K zombie game that looks like a lot of fun can be found here:

“Zombies” by Twilight Creations

Infestation” is the idea of Sgt Whiskey Swiper of www.40konline.com.

Infestation is a WH40K-based skirmish game with some role-playing elements. Some of the rules differ from those of large-scale WH40K games to improve game dynamics and better reflect some of the more unique facets of fighting large hordes of walking dead.

Infestation” is set on the world of Aerni Prime, which has long been used by the Imperium for testing biological weapons encountered on the battlefield. Aerni Prime is an industrialized world that still retains large areas of wilderness, making outdoor pursuits such as hunting and hiking popular.

Unfortunately for the population of Aerni Prime a mysterious small explosion in the Hyntich Lab infected the lab personnel with “Tyron” - a highly infectious disease with strange effects on its victims. Slowly it spread until only a small number of survivors in the capital city were left.

Players should feel free to base their outbreak upon this scenario or set it in some other location of their choosing. By limiting the selection of weapons available the following rules can readily be used for a game set in the 20th/Early 21st Century.

These webpages on Infestation are in two parts. This page contains the rules and weapon data. The second set of pages contains some profiles, scenarios and charts you may find useful in playing the game. Some of the content originally on this page has been moved to the second to make the page sizes more manageable.

Infestation uses 3rd/4th edition movement rules with a Rogue Trader/2nd edition-based shooting system. Later rules up to 7th edition will probably be compatible.

In pre-8th edition rules the shooting “to hit” number is derived from “7 - Ballistic Skill (BS)”. Therefore a BS of 4 needs a 3+ to hit, and a BS of 5 or better a 2+. Any to-hit modifiers are applied to the dice roll score. (If you use the “low-roll” system of Gemini-ARAP modifiers are applied to the target number.)

In close combat, Attacker’s WS > Defender’s WS = 3+ to hit. Attacker’s WS is equal or less than double the opponent’s WS, 4+ to hit. If opponent’s WS is double or greater than attacker’s, 5+ to hit. Close combat to-hit targets are always between 3 and 5 before any modifiers.

If Strength is equal to Toughness the attack wounds on a 4+. If one is higher, modify the roll by 1 for each point of difference. A roll of 1 will always fail to wound, so a to-wound roll is always between 2 and 6.

All non-zombie characters get to move up to 6" per movement phase. (A squat might only be expected to move 5"). If on difficult ground they roll two D6 and take the highest value as their move allowance. They can also charge up to 6" or best of two D6" (on difficult ground) at the start of the Assault phase. Zombies move a bit differently and this is described in the zombie description. Unit coherency rules are not so strict for Infestation since many units will be just groups of individuals. It could be argued that someone wandering away from the main group is almost a requirement for any horror story!

Zombies tend to share similar simple motivations which in practice means that most zombies in an area will be doing the same thing. Generally this will be moving towards and attacking humans. The zombie player has to roll a D6 to establish the move allowance for the zombies that turn and it can make things more interesting if a different roll is made for each individual cluster of zombies.

Shooting is made with to-hit modifiers for certain weapons depending on the range to deal with the small vulnerable area of a zombie compared to most other WH40K creatures. Shooting “to-hit” modifiers only apply to shooting in the shooting phase, not to use of firearms in close combat.

The basic range of some of the weapons has been increased for this game, and there is an optional set of rules to allow sustained fire should the GM feel that players need it. Apart from these changes weapons shoot in much the same way as a standard WH40K game. Shooting therefore takes place after the models have moved but before they move to enter close-combat. The GM is advised to waive rules such as units being unable to assault if they fired pistols that turn. The waiver may be extended to rapid fire weapons if the GM wishes.

Close combat phase can be made with whichever close combat rules you are most familiar with or think are most fun. Since this is a role-playing game as well as a wargame models that run away/rout from combat should not be subject to the instantly destroyed if caught rule. This means if you are playing 3rd/4th Ed Assault rules the “Sweeping Advance” rule is not used. It is more appropriate to play Rout and Pursuit rules and have survivors of close combats run for cover rather than for the table edge.

Players may like to consider using some of the close combat rules from Necromunda or GASR.

Zombie Rules

General Zombie Rules

Zombies come in three varieties: “Fresh”, “Necrotic” and “Putrid”. There is a 50% chance that the zombies in each encounter will be necrotic but the GM is free to alter these ratios as they see fit to suit the storyline. A recently infected area will have more fresh zombies, an older area will have more putrid.

WSBS S T W Int A Ld Save
Fresh22331317*as armour

Characters that have been infected and converted into zombies become fresh zombies. Fresh zombies fear fire and use their Ld value when making fear rolls. Fresh zombies and other zombies automatically pass any other psychology or morale tests.

Fresh zombies have enough intelligence and dexterity to use shooting weapons but may have trouble reloading them. Usually they will be armed with basic, pistol or close combat weapons. A zombie that can be bothered to carry a heavy weapon would be very rare. A zombie is unlikely to be found armed with anything heavier than a grenade launcher or heavy stubber.

There is an increased chance of a zombie being unable to reload a weapon that runs out. For this reason weapons used by a zombie are subject to a modifier of 1 when taking an Ammo-roll. So a zombie-fired autorifle (normal Ammo-Roll = 4+) becomes unusable if less than 5 is rolled and a boltgun (Ammo-Roll = 6) automatically runs out or jams if it must take a roll.

To perform moderately complex tasks a fresh zombie must roll equal to or less than 7 on 2D6 first. Such tasks include unlocking a door, changing the type of ammo fired by a weapon or replacing a hand-flamer canister. More complex tasks such as driving most vehicles are beyond them.

A fresh zombie that fires a flamer or hand flamer must pass a Ld test the first time it fires the weapon or will drop it in fear.

Necrotic and putrid zombies have an inherent save of 5+. Fresh zombies have no save unless they were wearing armour when converted. Occasionally a putrid or necrotic turns up wearing armour but this can be ignored unless it gives a better than 5+ save.

Fresh zombies degenerate into necrotic zombies within three to eight days (D6+2) of infection. Necrotics are by far the most likely type of zombie to be encountered.

Putrid zombies are in a state of advanced decay and cause Fear in living creatures. Putrid zombies can climb stairs but treat climbing ladders or any other complex movements as difficult ground.

All zombies move in a “Shamble”. Roll two D6 and take the higher score for the zombie’s move in inches that turn. If on difficult terrain take the lower score. Very difficult terrain is crossed at 1" per turn.

(Most) zombies will not walk into a fire or a hole. They will walk around it in the general direction to which they were originally heading. If a party of zombies approached an obstacle or fire perpendicular to the object they will split into two groups. Half move left, half move right. For a solitary zombie, flip a coin or D2.

Fences, plate glass windows, holograms and many other features of modern life baffle zombies. When their movement takes them to a fence or similar, they will stop for one turn. Next turn they will move in the general direction they were heading, except when they encountered a feature perpendicularly. In that case split the party as for a fire or other obstacle.

Often zombies will not to enter a river or pond. If confronted by water, they will go alongside it in the general direction to which they were shambling. Some zombies that encounter deep water may enter it or fall in. The zombie generally will walk along the bottom until they find a way out. They may attack models swimming or fording the water or any boats they can reach up to.

Zombies will enter swamps. They are subject to movement penalties and any hazard rolls. Characters may encounter stuck zombies.

Zombies have unnatural sight, hearing and sense of smell. Zombies will move directly towards any people that they can potentially eat. Zombies will move toward any living being or non-zombie within line of sight, hearing or smell. The GM may decide zombies (or a class of zombie) has poor eyesight, so they will only respond to motion of human-size objects in 6" and car-sized vehicles within 12". Zombies will respond to bright things, such as large fires and the flash of an explosion. They can spot these from 12" away.

Zombies that cannot see prey may move towards the sound of prey. Zombies are attracted by voices, gunfire, explosions etc. They can hear the breaking down of doors or similar sounds within 6", gunfire and explosions within 12". Sounds will attract zombies that are not in line of sight of the source.

Zombies can hunt and fight in total darkness with no penalties. A zombie can smell a human (or his brains!) that they cannot see at a range of 4" on a roll of 4+ (instead of taking an Initiative test) so use this distance when determining if a zombie can detect a hidden human. A detected human can be charged if they can be reached.

At the beginning of the game use spinner/scatter dice/D12 etc to determine the direction of the prevailing wind. Each turn, use a dice to determine if the air is still, a moderate wind or a strong wind. In case of moderate wind zombies that are downwind of humans can smell them 12" away. In a strong wind this range is 18". The GM rules if features such as terrain, rain or fires block a scenting. Randomize the chance of the wind direction shifting.

Zombies in close combat always fight as though armed.

Zombies are unaffected by gas and poison weapons.

Zombies that cannot detect any likely prey move randomly (use scatter dice).

Zombies prefer to move in parties, or “shambles”. If a zombie or zombies get within 6" of other zombies, they will merge unless they were fighting or feeding.

It has been known for a zombie behind a closed door to keep quiet if it hears prey approaching and to wait to see if the door is opened. If prey is moving away it will usually open or break-down the door.

Zombies are fearless and automatically pass rout tests and other psychological and morale tests. The one exception to this is for fresh zombies that encounter fire.

Humans fall back at 2D6" while zombies advance at the highest of two D6 rolls which means that humans that run from close combats will sometimes escape pursuit.

To destroy a zombie the CNS must be destroyed and the most certain way to do this is by destroying the brain. The head counts as a small target so is -1 to hit when shooting.

Zombie Shooting Table

“You Gotta Shoot ’Em in the Head”

“The zombie isn’t trying to dodge - they never do - but its broken-legged walk causes it to sway from side to side and up and down. You’ve got one shot with your bat. One swing to connect solidly with the skull with enough force to crack it open and smash the brains beneath. If you miss, if the shot glances off the skull, the zombie will wrap you in its arms and bite out your throat. In a matter of minutes, you will be one of them...In all cases, atomic zombies should be eliminated from a distance, but even then it can be more difficult than first imagined. Hitting a small moving target with a bullet is incredibly difficult, especially under pressure. Also, only a direct hit will penetrate the skull, as evolution specifically designed it to deflect blows.”

Zombies: A Hunter’s Guide

BSTo HitTo Hit Head

Zombies all have a special rule called “Zombie Ignores Wound”. This is the same as the “Feel No Pain” special rule but wounds from power weapons can also be ignored on a 4+. Zombies can loose a lot of bits before they are stopped!

A normal hit that causes a wound and is not saved has a 50% chance of having no significant effect on the zombie. On a 4+ roll the zombie keeps on coming!

To clarify: A player shooting at a zombie can either shoot it as a normal human-sized target or attempt a headshot. They must declare their intention before making the to-hit roll.

A zombie fired on as a human-sized target will be hit by a shooter with BS3 on a score of 4+. This sounds good but most zombies have a toughness of 4, an inherent 5+ save and a 50% chance of being able to ignore wounds not saved. If using a S3 weapon at BS3 this works out as only a 1 in 18 chance of stopping the zombie!

A headshot would require a basic to-hit score of 5+ at BS3 but would cause a wound that cannot be ignored if the zombie fails its save.

A headshot that misses its required roll by 1 does not count as a normal hit.

7+ To Hit

Some modifiers may take the required to-hit roll to a value of 7 or more. To roll a “7” the player would usually have to roll a 6 in their to-hit roll and then attempt to roll of a 4+. For an 8 a player would need a 6 then a 5+, and for a 9 two 6s in a row. A required roll of 10 can never hit. Some weapon modifiers will give a score of 7 or more if the dice roll is good. Modifiers such as the Hard Cover modifier may change to needed score to greater than 6.

Zombie Attacks in Close Combat

Against most human prey fresh and necrotic zombies score a hit on a 4+ unless the victim has a WS of 5 or better, which needs a 5+. Putrid zombies need a 5+ to hit unless the prey has a WS of 2 or lower, allowing them to hit on a 4+.

All zombies have a strength of 3 so cause a wound on a 4+ against most humans (T3) or a 5+ against those with a toughness of 4.


In fiction zombism is usually treated as being 100% infectious. Most diseases are not, resistance varying with between individuals. Susceptibility to zombism is also likely to be variable, and this makes it more entertaining for the players. During close combat keep a record of how many natural 6s are scored in to-hit rolls made by the zombie player. Pick out the 6s and treat any unsaved wounds rolled with them as being a non-lethal bite. Such bites are randomly allocated amongst any humans surviving that combat. In a campaign, a bitten human rolls a D6 each hour. On a 6 the human fully recovers. A roll of 1 and the human becomes a fresh zombie. This roll can be modified as the GM wishes to reflect any medical treatment, multiple bites, psychic healing etc. Fighters with an armour save or 4+ or better cannot be bitten.


Many of the characters in Infestation may find themselves in the early parts of the game unarmed. A character that is unarmed fights in Close Combat with a –2 to-hit modifier. This modifier is also used by characters that have shooting weapons that cannot be used in Close Combat and no alternate close combat weapons. Clubbing down zombies with a gun butt is –2 if your weapon is not fitted with a combat accessory (most civilian and even some police weapons will not be).

Many of the Shooting Weapons have their own “to-hit” modifiers, reflecting the fact that some weapons are poorer at long ranges or more effective at close range. These values are added or subtracted from the firer’s to-hit dice roll.

For example, to make a headshot against a zombie requires a basic roll of 5+ for a shooter with BS3. With a laspistol this shot can be made on a 3+(5=3+2) if the range is less than 8" but would need a 6 if range was greater than 8"(5=6-1).


Nearly all shooting weapons have an Ammo-roll value. When a to-hit roll of a natural 6 is made an Ammo-roll is required. A failed Ammo-roll represents the character firing the last of their ammo. Ammo rolls also represent mechanical faults in the weapon or defective ammunition as well as simply running out of ammo. Rounds can misfeed or explode in the breech or just be duds. Weapons can overheat or break.

To pass the Ammo-Roll test roll a D6 equal to or greater than the Ammo-roll value. If the score is lower the weapon cannot be used for the remainder of the combat. It may only be used if more ammo is found after the battle. Finding an abandoned weapon of the same type will replenish the ammo, as will being given ammo by another member of the party that has not failed an Ammo-roll.

Weapons using sustained fire rules may also jam but such jams can be cleared during a combat. Assault cannons that roll three 1s on their to-hit rolls jam permanently. Hot plasma guns may overheat if they roll certain values on their to-hit roll. These rules are in addition to the Ammo-roll.

Grenades are subject to a modified version of the Ammo-roll rule. If a natural 6 is rolled for the to-hit roll then the character has run out of grenades/rounds and the one fired was the last of that type.

Once a combat is over it assumed that any other models that did not run out of grenades of that type share them with their comrades. Models who ran out of grenades may therefore use them in the next combat until they roll another 6 to-hit.

In certain situations the rules give the character an automatic hit, such as when firing at a nearby wall. A to-hit roll is still made to establish if an Ammo-roll is needed.

WeaponShort RangeLong RangeTo-Hit


Bolt pistol0-88-16+2-456Pistol 




Hand FlamerTemplate 








Plasma Pistol (Cap-Plas)0-66-18+2-1654+Pistol 

Recharges, Sustained
Plasma Pistol (Hot)0-66-18+2-1724+Pistol 

Overheats, Sustained
Shuriken pistol0-66-12+2-455+Pistol 


Inferno pistol0-33-6+1-826Pistol 

2D6 vehicle penetration at 3" range or less
Stub gun0-88-16--13-4+Pistol 


Antique Pistol0-66-12-1-23-6Pistol 


Sawn-off Shotgun (Shot)0-44-8+2-13-4+Pistol1" Special


Sawn-off Shotgun (Slug)0-44-8--2#








Autogun0-1212-24+1-364+Rapid fire 



456Rapid fire 












-454+Assault 1 


Hunting Rifle0-1212-32--3 

4+Rapid fire 






Lasgun0-1212-24+1-3-2+Rapid fire 


Hellgun0-1212-24+1-354+Rapid fire. 


Meltagun0-66-12+1-814+Assault 11"2D6 Vehicle Penetration at Short Range



Plasma Gun (Cap-Plas)0-88-24+1-744+Rapid fire 

Recharges, Sustained
Plasma Gun (Hot)0-88-24+1-724+Rapid fire 

Overheats, Sustained
Shotgun Slug0-44-18--2#

4-4+Assault 2 


Shotgun Shot0-44-12+2-13-4+Assault 21" Special


Shotgun Executioner ammo0-44-18--454+Assault 1 

Re-roll to hit
Shuriken Catapult0-1212-24+1 

455+Assault 2 

Storm Bolter0-1212-24+1-45 

Assault 2 

Sling0-1212-18--13-Always passes.Special 




as userSpecial

Always passes.Special 


Grenade Launcher0-2020-60--1As Ammo 

As AmmoAssault 1As Ammo 

Assault Cannon0-1212-32+1-8-6Assault 3 


Assault Stubber0-1212-24--465+Assault 3 



744+Heavy 2 


Battle Cannon0-2020-72 


844+Heavy 1


Heavy FlamerTemplate 



Assault 1 


Heavy Stubber0-2020-40--464+Heavy 3 

Heavy Bolter0-2020-40--546Heavy 3 

Heavy Cap-Plasma Gun (Sustained)0-2020-40 


744+Heavy 21"Sustained fire
Heavy Cap-Plasma Gun (Maximal)0-2020-72 


1024+Heavy 11½"Maximal, Recharges
Heavy Webber0-1212-24-- 


6Heavy 12"Webber

Lascannon0-2020-60--924+Heavy 1 


Missile Launcher0-2020-72 

-As Ammo-As AmmoHeavy 1 


Cyclone Missile Launcher0-2020-72+1+1As Ammo-As AmmoHeavy 1 


Multilaser0-2020-60+1-662+Heavy 3 

Multi-Melta0-1212-24+1-824+Heavy 12"2D6 Vehicle Penetration at Short Range
Plasma Cannon (Hot)0-2020-36 


724+Heavy 11½"Overheats
Ripper Gun0-66-12Always Hits-2464+Assault 2 

Ogryn or Vehicle
Shuriken Cannon0-2020-40+1-654+Heavy 3 


Special Rules for Weapons


Crossbows, Handbows, Muskets, Thrown Spears, Antique Pistols, Slings and Stub guns all require a headshot to kill a zombie.

Bows, Crossbows, Handbows, Slings and Thrown Spears, Axes, Stones etc do not make a noise that attracts zombies.

Arrows and Crossbow bolts are not very effective against heavy armour. Targets with an armour save of 4+ or better get a 2+ save against arrows. This rule does not apply to explosive arrows, which are S4 AP5.

Normal arrows and quarrels can only kill zombies if they make a headshot.

Handbows are pistol crossbows made with hi-tech materials. This category also represents spearguns and similar weapons. Handbows cannot be used in close combat but only need one hand to fire during the shooting phase, freeing the other hand to carry items or use a shield. Handbows are popular with some criminals and are used for both assassination and burglary. Many Handbows are designed to pass through the more common forms of weapon detector and use bolts made from plastic or wood with glass heads. Handbows can be used to launch grappling hooks or their equivalent.

Stub guns and antique pistols only fire one bullet at a time so only fire once per shooting phase regardless of if the firer moved or not that turn.


Shotguns can fire a variety of ammo types. By far the most commonly used is scatter-shot. Scatter-shot that is fired at beyond short range will also hit any model within a 1" radius of the model hit.

Solid slug has a very curved trajectory so is -2 to hit at long ranges. Shooters that are very familiar with shotguns and using slug ammo reduce this penalty to -1.

Executioner shells are guided rounds that can only be fired from arbites combat shotguns. From other shotguns they act as Slugs that are always at -2 at long range. Fired from the correct weapon the executioner round is S4 AP5 and can re-roll its to-hit roll once if the player chooses. The second result must be accepted.

If a target is hit directly by a shotgun or sawn-off shotgun but not slain they are knocked back 2" and fall over on a 4+. Knocked down models spend the next movement phase getting up. This only affects normal sized models, not terminators, vehicles, dreadnoughts etc.

Gas shells for shotguns are rare. They release a gas cloud that affects any model without breathing apparatus within 1" of the target hit, including the target. Attack is at S3 with no armour save possible. The gas cloud disperses at the end of the turn. The gas does not affect zombies. Gas shells do not knock targets down.

Ogryn ripper guns are big clumsy versions of shotguns that can only be handled by creatures the size and strength of ogryn. They are usually only found in the hands of Imperial Guard ogryn. A similar weapon is sometimes found as a weapon mounted on urban combat vehicles.


Military flamers and military hand flamers only make an Ammo-roll (4+) when a natural 6 is rolled for the to-hit roll (the same as other weapons). Civilian/homemade/improvised flamers and hand flamers are less reliable and make an Ammo-roll everytime they are fired.

Hand Flamers

The Hand flamer carries only a very small reserve of fuel, much less than that contained by a flamer. Because of this the hand flamer may only make a single ranged shot (i.e. using the flamer template) before needing to reload.

As long as the hand flamer was not used to make a template attack it may be used in hand-to-hand combat in the same way as other pistols, where smaller, controlled spurts of flame can be used without entirely depleting the fuel canister. A Hand Flamer which has been used in hand-to-hand combat may still be used to make a template attack but once it has done so the fuel is exhausted and it may not be used again until reloaded.

Reloading a hand flamer takes a shooting phase without shooting. A character can carry up to 6 canisters in addition to that on the weapon(s). A found hand flamer will have D6 canisters.


Webpistols only affect the individuals that they hit. Heavy webbers hit all models fully covered by a 2" radius marker. Partially covered models are hit on a 4+.

No roll against strength/toughness or armour saving rolls are made against webbers. Models hit are entangled. An entangled model cannot move, shoot or defend themselves in close combat but can use Psychic powers. A model may attempt to break free by adding their strength to a D6 roll. If this value equals or exceed 9 the model is free. A failure causes the web to contract inflicting one wound. Zombies will always attempt to break free and have their usual 4+ roll to ignore any wounds from failed attempts so a trapped zombie may make numerous attempts to break free.

Models equipped with webbers usually carry web-solvent. Some web pistols have a built-in spray unit. Some police and arbites not equipped with webbers may also carry solvent and it may be found in the hands of criminals and other individuals. A found webber may not have a supply of solvent. Models equipped with web-solvent may attempt to free trapped models. To do this they must be within 1" and using solvent is a shooting phase action instead of firing a weapon. A webbed individual cannot free themselves with web-solvent since the strands are wrapped too tight.

Heavy webbers have a big enough effect area that they can immobilize a vehicle. As well as physically binding the vehicle to the ground the strands may also clog engine intakes, gum doors up, bind up running gear or have various other effects. Hitting a vehicle with a Heavy Webber is fairly easy so is determined by vehicle speed rather than firer’s BS.

Vehicle Speed0-4"4-8"8-12"12-16"16"+
To Hit3+4+5+6Miss.

On a miss the vehicle sloughs off the web before it sets. The chemical just forms a large blob or some other result.

A webbed vehicle is stopped immediately. Occupants cannot leave, operate weapons or fire out. At the start of each subsequent turn they can roll on the escape chart.

Webbed Vehicle Escape Chart

Trapped and engine burns out. A subsequent “Freed” result allows the occupants to leave but the vehicle is permanently immobilized.
2 - 3Remain trapped. Try again next turn.
4Vehicle unable to move but one weapon freed and can fire. On an unarmed vehicle a hatch or window has been opened enough for one occupant to shoot out.
5 - 6 Freed. Vehicle breaks free of web and can move in its movement phase. If the vehicle was immobilized for any reason while webbed occupants can now leave the vehicle.

Plasma Guns

Plasma guns occur in several forms. Capacitor plasma guns need time to cool down and recharge their plasma capacitors between bursts. A cap-plas pistol or cap-plas gun can only fire every other turn. A heavy cap-plas gun can fire each turn on standard setting but must spend one turn recharging if it is fired at maximal.

Hot plasma guns, pistols and cannon can fire every turn and are more powerful. There is a possibility that such weapons can overheat. On the first shot of a turn the weapon overheats if a 1 is rolled to-hit and it overheats if a 1 or 2 is rolled on the second shot. If a hot plasma weapon overheats it explodes or catches fire and is destroyed. If the user fails his armour save he takes a wound.

Vehicle-mounted hot plasma guns do not overheat.

Missile Launchers and Grenade Launchers

Missile launchers and grenade launchers can fire a variety of ammo types. Strength and effect area depends on the type of round being fired. See under Grenades for ammo types. Ammo-roll is the same as for thrown grenades. If a natural six is rolled that shot was the last of that particular ammo type. It is possible that a character may be carrying hand grenades of the same type as those loaded in his grenade launcher. In such a situation if an Ammo-roll is failed it is assumed that there is not time to load or unload the launcher till after the combat.

Cyclone Missile Launcher

The Cyclone is only mounted on terminator armour. A terminator equipped with a Cyclone can fire both his storm bolter and the Cyclone in the same shooting phase. The Cyclone shot is treated as a normal missile launcher shot with no inherent to-hit modifiers.

If the terminator fires just the Cyclone he can fire up to D3 shots at the target and use the Cyclone’s guidance system to give a +1 to hit at all ranges. The player may chose to fire less rounds than the D3 roll. Multiple shots from the Cyclone are treated as a “mulitple barrage” and the markers postioned so they are touching. SuperKrak missiles are assumed to have a ½" marker and SuperFrag a 1 ½" marker.

The Cyclone can be fitted with a targeter to give an additional +1 to any shots made with the Cyclone.

Assault Cannon

The assault cannon is a powerful weapon that due to its ammo requirements is only mounted on terminator armour or vehicles. An assault cannon that rolls three 1s on its to-hit rolls is permanently jammed. It will take D3 hours with a skilled armourer to repair.

Suppressor Shield

Models charging a suppressor shield take an automatic S3 hit. In close combat the shield can be used to make an additional close combat attack at S3 and this attack is not subject to any “Wrong handed penalties”. The shield attack is still subject to the -1 modifier for using two weapons at once if Gemini or RT close combat rules are being played.

Suppressor Shields also provide a Invulnerable save of 5+ against close combat damage from any direction or a 6 against shooting damage inflicted from the frontal arc.

Power Maul

The power maul is a close combat power weapon usually used by arbites. In close-combat targets hit by a power maul can’t make saving rolls. In combat systems where weapon strength is used instead of user strength the power maul makes a S5 hit unless the strength of the user is greater. Power mauls have a stun setting as well as kill setting so living creatures that are wounded by a power maul can be knocked out rather than killed. This setting is unlikely to be used against zombies.


Chainswords are a symbol of rank in the PDF, being carried by officers and some NCOs. In combat systems where weapon strength is used instead of user strength the chainsword makes a S4 AP5 hit unless the strength of the user is greater. Civilian chainsaws may be considered to have the same performance. Chainswords and chainsaws are both noisy and using them may attract zombies.

Two-Handed Close Combat Weapons

When zombies appear one of the most useful places to be is the local hardware store. Many of the items in a hardware store can be used as weapons and the majority of these count as hand weapons. Some items such as long handed shovels, sledge hammers, fire axes and the like can be considered to be two-handed weapons. Two-handed weapons give a S+1 attack if used with both hands. Some two-handed weapons can be used in one hand as a normal hand weapon. Those that cannot are -1 to hit if both hands cannot be used. Another close combat weapon cannot be used if using a two-handed weapon with both hands. A spear or two-handed weapon used in just one hand is treated as a hand weapon. Shield bashing attacks can be made if allowed by the close combat rules being played.

Two-handed close combat weapons cannot be thrown in a Shooting phase. It can be argued that some of these items could be thrown. If this is allowed they are thrown as improvised missiles, so are –1 to-hit at all ranges.

Thrown Weapons

All hand thrown weapons have a range of 6".

Stones, rocks and molotovs are thrown at -1 to hit at all ranges. Stones and rocks hit with a strength equal to the thrower’s strength. Stones and rocks have no effect against targets with a save of 4+ or better.

Spears and throwing axes hit with a strength equal to that of the thrower and are not subject to to-hit penalties like improvised missiles. Targets with a save of 4+ get a save of 3+ against thrown spears and axes.

Thrown knives and throwing clubs, boomerangs etc hit with the thrower’s strength. Targets with a 4+ save or better have a 2+ save against such weapons.

If the GM wishes Spears used with two hands in Close Combat are at S+1. Another close combat weapon cannot be used with a spear used two-handed. A spear used with one hand is a hand weapon. Spears give +1 Initiative in Close Combat against mounted or flying foes but are -1 to hit if used in confined spaces.

Slings obey the same rules for hand thrown stones but have a range of 18" and hit at S3.


Frag Grenades

Frag grenades have a 1½" radius effect marker S3 AP6. Frag Warheads for Missile Launchers and Ogryn Grenades are S4 AP6.

Krak Grenades

Krak grenades have a ½" effect area but usually in practice it is not necessary to bother with this for most times the grenades are used. Krak are S6 AP4. SuperKrak warheads are only fired from missile launchers and are S8 AP3.

Photon-Flash Flare Photon grenades have a 1½" effect radius. Models partially covered by the template only have a 4+ chance of being affected. Roll a D6 for each model affected. Any model which rolls under its Initiative characteristic is merely dazzled for the remainder of that turn, counting its WS and BS as 1. The model is otherwise unharmed and regains sight at the end of the round.

Any model that does not roll under its Initiative is blinded. Blinded models are unable to see and so cannot move properly or shoot. If they do decide to move they do so at half speed and in a random direction. If engaged in hand-to-hand combat they can fight but their WS is reduced to 1.

A model who is blinded remains blinded throughout his following turn, but may test at the start of each of his subsequent turns to recover his sight. Roll a D6. On the score of a 4+ the model regains its sight and can see and move normally once more.

Models wearing a photon visor or similar protection roll a D6. On a roll of 1-3 the model is immune to the effects of the grenade. On a 4+ they are dazzled. Troops with autosenses or in enclosed vehicles are dazzled on a 6 and unaffected on a lower roll.

Light-sensitive equipment such as targeters and infra-vision equipment is automatically destroyed or rendered inoperable if it was in use and caught in the effect area.

Zombies can be dazzled or blinded by photon-flash but this does not affect them unless they are using shooting weapons. Dazzled or blinded zombies cannot shoot unless their target is a living creature within their Initiative distance (3").

Smoke, stumm and knockdown grenades all have a 2" radius marker and obey the gas cloud rules. At the start of each turn a D6 is rolled to determine the behaviour of the gas cloud:

1Cloud remains where it is but disperses at the end of the turn.
2 - 4Cloud remains where it is.
5Cloud shrinks to half current radius rounding down to nearest ½"
6Cloud moves D6" in a random direction


Models that cannot see through smoke cannot shoot through or into smoke. Models that cannot see that attempt to move in smoke move at half rate in a random direction. Any model in smoke that cannot see must roll a 6 on a D6 before fighting in close combat.

Infra-vision, autosenses, targeters and scanners can see through smoke. Arbites, marines, dreadnoughts, imperial guard and military vehicles can see through smoke normally. PDF squads have a 50% chance of all members having Infra-vision equipment. Zombies cannot see through smoke but their other senses allow them to move and fight through smoke as though it was not there. Smoke may prevent zombies seeing survivors but otherwise only affects zombies when they are attempting to shoot into smoke. Zombies within a cloud can shoot normally at other models within a cloud.


Blind is a high-tech version of smoke that cannot be seen through by infra-vision, autosenses or scanners. Blind clouds are treated as smoke clouds but also affect troops with infra-vision, vehicles etc.


Stumm gas is a common riot control agent used by police and arbites. Stumm is an inhaled gas so does not affect models with respirators.

Models fully or partially in the cloud or passing through are automatically affected and are Confused. Confused models are -1 to hit targets when shooting or in hand to hand combat. Movement rate is halved and psychic powers cannot be used. Affected models make a Ld test at the start of each of their following turns to recover from confusion. Models cannot recover if still in the stumm gas cloud.

Zombies are unaffected by stumm.


Knockdown is another riot agent and is more potent than stumm. Knockdown is an inhaled gas and affects models without protection on a 3+ roll of a D6. Models affected fall to the floor and lay on the ground coughing and helpless whilst they remain in the cloud. Models can crawl 2" per turn and attempt to leave the cloud, but they cannot shoot, fight or do anything else if within the cloud at the start of their turn. Once they have crawled free of the choking gas or it has dispersed or moved away they recover by the end of the turn.

Unaffected models that are foolish enough to remain in the cloud must test to see if the gas affects them at the start of each of their turns.

Zombies are unaffected by knockdown gas.

Molotov Cocktail

Molotovs are improvised weapons and must be made during the game. Each player can make one Molotov a turn if not shooting, moving or in close combat and if they have available materials.

Molotovs are improvised weapons so -1 to hit at all ranges. Roll against BS with a -1 modifier and work out scatter and deviation if the result is a miss. Molotovs have a 1½" effect radius but only a 4+ chance of setting fire to any model hit. Burning models follow the burning rules given for flamers with strength 3.

A model can carry no more than three molotovs in each hand and this hand cannot be used to operate a weapon. A natural 6 rolled to-hit for a molotov means the wick fails to ignite the contents and there is no effect on the target.

Sustained Fire

Players may find conventional WH40K weapons won’t have the firepower to deal with big zombie hoards so I have included the 2rd Ed sustained fire rules as an optional rule.

Sustained fire weapons are listed below or annotated on the table.

Each weapon makes the normal number of to-hit rolls that it would make in a conventional WH40K game. This means a plasma gun or pistol makes one to-hit roll if the firer is moving or two if stationary. An assault cannon always makes three rolls. An Eldar scatter laser makes D6 rolls. A heavy bolter makes two rolls if it didn’t move that turn, and so on.

These shots can be either normal shooting or headshots.

For each successful to-hit roll the player gets to roll one sustained fire dice. The number rolled on the dice is the number of additional automatic hits that are made. These are allocated as the player wishes, either to the original target or to any target within 4" of the first that is in line of sight of the shooter. Subsequent shots are never headshots. Damage and saves are worked out as normal.

If a “jam” result is rolled this takes effect after shooting damage is worked out. For each jam rolled the weapon cannot fire for one subsequent shooting phase and spends the next shooting phase clearing the jam. The shooter can move while clearing a jam. A jam cannot be cleared if the model is Routing or in Close Combat. Note that jams rolled on sustained fire dice are temporary and can be cleared. An assault cannon that rolls three 1s on its to-hit rolls is permanently jammed. It will take D3 hours with a skilled armourer to repair.

1s rolled on sustained fire dice do not count towards plasma gun overheating, only those rolled on to-hit dice.

Using sustained fire rules a weapon such as a heavy bolter potentially can eliminate eight zombies - two from its to-hit rolls and up to six from sustained fire. On poor rolls it may hit two and be jammed for up to two turns - longer if Assaulted or Routing.

You will need to make your own sustained fire dice. About half a dozen is right and you will need this many if a scatter laser is fielded. Sustained fire dice can be made by marking numerals on the face of normal spotted D6 with a marker pen, allowing the dice to still be used as a conventional dice. Alternately stickers can be placed on the faces or some sites on the internet sell blank dice you can mark yourself.

Markings for the dice are:


Sustained Fire Weapons include:

Plasma Pistol
Plasma Gun
Shuriken Catapult
Storm Bolter
Assault Cannon
Heavy Plasma Gun
Heavy Bolter
Heavy Stubber
Shuriken Cannon
Scatter Laser
Ripper Gun

GorkaMorka has a slightly different approach to sustained fire, and one that I actually prefer.

The required number of sustained fire dice are rolled first to determine how many shots are fired. A normal D6 dice is then rolled for each shot to see if it hits, and the hits distributed among eligible targets. Any natural 6s rolled on the to-hit dice require that an ammo roll be made. Any “JAM” results rolled also require an Ammo roll to be made.

If the player wishes they may roll less sustained fire dice than the maximum permitted for the weapon. They may also fire short bursts and roll just one to-hit dice for each shot permitted for the weapon, reducing the chance of jamming.

Vehicle Rules

Other vehicle rules covering topics such as ramming and collisions are on this page. The majority of vehicles likely to be encountered in Infestation are road-wheelers.

Typical/Random Road Wheeler

Max Speed Acc/DecTRRAV FrontAV Sides and Rear
24-32" or 2D6 + 20"6-12" or 2D4 + 4"198

All road wheeler vehicles:

Movement of road-wheelers can be made with “Street Race” rules

The only real difference between the various sizes of road-wheeler is in their capacity. A typical city car can carry between four and six people. A van can carry 6-10 in the rear and 2-3 people in the front. Buses have a capacity of 10+. Larger road-wheelers such as trucks and buses are likely to have a lower acceleration rate and maximum speed.

In practice it is unlikely that vehicles in Infestation will be able to move at such high speeds unless they are on a freeway. The streets are strewn with rubble, wreckage, bodies and other things unpleasant and difficult for civilian vehicles to cross. To reflect this a vehicle must roll a D6 each turn to establish how much it can accelerate. A vehicle can reverse at half acceleration. In urban streets speed is limited to 12" and acceleration is rolled on a D6 for each turn.

Reversing costs 2" of movement for every 1" of movement allowance. Each 45º of turn costs 2" of movement.

The D6" acceleration rule does not apply to tracked military vehicles such as the Rhino, which follow normal movement rules or any others that all players agree upon.

Zombies Mobbing Vehicles

Zombies can attack a moving vehicle in close combat like any other troop type. Vehicles moving slower than 6" are hit on a 4+ and faster vehicles hit on a 6. Alternately zombies that see a vehicle coming can mass together and attempt to stop it. Roll two D6 and take the highest value. Any zombie within this distance on either side of the vehicle’s path will move in front of the vehicle. This move is made in the vehicle’s movement phase and the zombies are formed into a phalanx of ranks and columns of similar width to the vehicle.

The vehicle must calculate the strength as which it hits the mass of zombies. This is given by the Speed x Armour value ÷10. This may give a result greater than 10. If this is so this indicates damage to the vehicle from the impact. The amount by which the result exceeds 10 is applied as the strength of a hit to the front of the vehicle.

The vehicle player rolls as many dice as zombies in the first rank, testing the strength of impact against the zombies’ toughness. zombies that fail this test may make saving rolls and their roll to ignore the wound as usual although wounds from impacts of S8 or more cannot be ignored. Zombies that survive the impact are assumed to have been knocked aside or run over. They may get up once the vehicle has passed but make no further contribution towards stopping the vehicle. If the vehicle is stopped they may take part in assaulting it.

The vehicle rolls against the second and each subsequent rank of zombies. If a zombie passes the strength/toughness test make a note of this. When a second zombie passes the strength/toughness test the vehicle has been halted and may be hit automatically in close combat. Zombies will spread around the vehicle to attack it and any other zombies in line of sight of the vehicle will move towards it if there are no other prey closer.

The vehicle can attempt to start moving again but must roll a D6 to establish how fast the vehicle attempts to move at. This speed is used calculate the strength at which vehicle contests the mass of zombies in front of it.

Additional Rules

Fear Rules

Putrid zombies cause Fear in living opponents. Fresh zombies are subject to fear of fire.

Fire and Burning Rules

Models hit by flamer weapons automatically catch fire and take an additional hit at the flamer’s strength in each following close combat phase for as long as the model remains burning. At the start of each turn the model remains burning on a roll of 1-5 and goes on a 6. Each model in base to base combat with the model can attempt to beat the flames out, modifying the dice roll by +1 for each model (this is highly unlikely to occur with zombies!). Burning models move in a random direction and do not shoot. Burning models in Frenzy may continue to fight in close combat.

Improvised flame weapons such as molotovs only have a 50% (4+) chance of setting a target on fire with a hit. Burning torches or burning arrows only have a 5+ chance of igniting the target.


If within 1" of an edge a model hit by Shooting or Close Combat attack stands a chance of falling over the edge, even if the attack does not damage them or is saved. To avoid falling a roll equal or less than Initiative is made. If hit by a shotgun or weapon of S7 or greater this roll is at -1. Zombies with Initiative of 3 therefore fall on a D6 roll of 4+ for most weapons and 3+ for shotguns and S7+ weapons. If a model falls they take an automatic hit equal in strength to the height they fell in inches, so a fall from one storey would be from 3" and a S3 hit. An armour save would not be allowed for most types of armour but might be allowed for power armour or similar or Invulnerable Saves allowed.

Infestation Page 2

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