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ARAP Rules for Gemini WH40K.

These rules are now obsolete
Try the Gemini-ARAP 2.4 Rules

In the Optional rules page I suggest Initiative ordered games. Since then I've come across a really nice set of wargaming rules called “Songs of Blades and Heroes”. These rules are very reasonably priced, and I thoroughly recommend that you consider getting a copy.

One of the ideas used in SBH is that each figure needs to be activated before it is used, and how well this activation goes determines how many actions the figure can then make. With a little tinkering, this system can be adapted to the Gemini Rules. I call this version of the Gemini Rules Gemini-ARAP and this is now my preferred system for using the rules. I don't have time to rewrite all the Gemini Rules to reflect how ARAP changes things, so for the moment the “traditional” IGO-UGO Gemini rules will remain up, with these pages to give some idea on how they change under ARAP. Gemini-ARAP is still a work in progress, so my apologies if there are a few special situations not covered in the rules below.

The ARAP system (Activation Roll, Action Point) makes games more fluid and dynamic and removes the need to keep track of things like which unit moved in the previous turn. The main thing to keep track of is which units are -1 to hit due to their speed or other activities in the previous round. Make a few counters you can place by a unit when they achieve this property. A couple of markers for units that are hidden or in overwatch may also prove useful.

The Basic Gemini-ARAP System

Who has first turn is determined by scenario, flipping a coin, dice roll + strategy rating or any other means agreeable to all players or decided by the GM.

If it is your turn you may attempt to activate each of your units once. Once you have made your actions and have no more units you have not attempted to activate it becomes the next player's turn.

SBH makes activation rolls for individual figures. Gemini-ARAP rolls for units. Each vehicle is treated as a distinct unit, although players may treat squadrons of vehicles as units if they wish, providing all members make the same actions. An independent character without a retinue is treated as a unit of one, so gets their own activation roll.

        To activate a unit you roll one, two or three D6 dice. How many to use is up to you, and you can roll a different number for each unit. Rolls are made against the unit's Activation value, which is determined by the unit's Initiative.

  • Units with an Initiative of 1, 2 or 3 all need to roll a 3 or less.
  • Units with an Initiative of 4 need to roll a 4 or less.
  • Units with an Initiative of 5 or greater need to roll a 5 or less.
  • A roll of 6 is therefore always a failure, and a 3 or less always a success.

For each success your unit gets one Action Point. Most actions that a unit can make cost one Action Point, but a few actions need two or more Action Points. The GM may rule that some actions need more points under certain situations. If a hill is particularly slippery it may need two Action Points to move up rather than one. If a creature is a poor swimmer it may still move D3+1” per move, but each move costs two points, and so on.

Once you have generated the Action Points the activated unit uses them to move, shoot or charge. Perform all actions with the activated unit before moving to activate another unit.

Different types of Actions can be made in any logical order, provided this is allowed for by the rules.

Usually all the members of a unit will make the same type of action. If a unit has two actions and decides to Move and then Shoot members that cannot shoot do not get to move twice, for example.

If you roll two failures during an activation roll your unit is not activated, your turn ends and it becomes the next player's turn. In Gemini-ARAP this is called a “Bust”. Obviously you will never go Bust if you only ever roll one dice for activation but your units won't get much done and it will become the next player's turn when you have attempted to activate all your units. In games where each side has a large number of units each player may be allowed more than one Bust before the turn switches. Only one attempt to activate each unit is allowed, however, and a unit that rolls a Bust cannot activate that turn.

Gone to Ground, Routing and Pursuing units do not make activation roles.

Certain situations will automatically activate units. A unit that intercepts a charge activates automatically, but must use its activation to enter Close Combat with the charging unit. Any unit that is in Close Combat will be automatically activated, but must use its turn to fight or disengage. Units that are Routing activate automatically in each of their turns, but must use their turn to either Rout or to Rally and Consolidate. Pursuing units also activate automatically, although they actually activate in the Routing player's turn instead of their own.

The “Old-style” Gemini Rules will no longer be supported, although I will leave the pages up. If you think there is an error in these rules please cross-refer to the equivalent ARAP rules page.

Version 2.3 adopts the idea of suppression points and melee radius. Version 2.4 is designed to easier and quicker to learn, with nearly everything you need to know for a battle in one chapter. The latest version of 2.4 has dropped suppression points in favour of a simpler system.

To make the rules easier to print out, I have written them as PDFs. To make them easier to read on-line, they are in landscape format. The end of chapter links seem to work OK in Firefox but not in IE. (They are now working in IE on my machine!) They should (hopefully) work if the pages are downloaded into the same folder.

More pages will be added as I write and convert them.

ARAP Introduction
New 2.4 Basic Rules.
2.4 Advanced Rules.

2.3 Rules Pages (also for use with 2.4):

Movement Rules
Close Combat

General Ranged Weapons
Close Combat Weapons
Grenades and Bombs.

Vehicle Rules
Bikes, Horses, Jump Packs and Flight Packs
Buildings Rules
Weather, Terrain and Environment Rules
Flier Rules
Robot Rules
Dreadnought Rules

Rules for Small Scale Games
Advanced and Optional Rules

ARAP and Warhammer Fantasy

How to use an ARAP system for Warhammer fantasy games such as WHFB, Warhammer Skirmish, Mordheim or Brimstone and Iron should be fairly obvious.

Since Warhammer Fantasy differs from WH40K in several respects the following suggestions are offered.

  • A shooting action allows a weapon to fire once, unless specified differently in the Special Rules for the weapon.
  • All “Move or Fire” Weapons become Weapons that need two Action Points to fire.
  • Some missile weapons have a -1 to hit modifier if the shooter moved and fired in the same turn. Simplest way to handle this is that an activated unit must make all its movement actions before any firing actions.
  • One turn of reloading in the conventional rules takes one Action Point. This is mainly used for War Engines, not personal weapons such as Crossbows or Handguns.
  • Charges are two Action Point actions, but fighting a round of combat at the end of a charge is free.
  • Units that begin a turn in base to base contact with an enemy are automatically activated but must use this activation to fight in close combat. It is probably best to deal with Close Combat after Movement and Shooting Actions have been made.
  • Magic can be dealt with like Psionics, with the activated model choosing to use the one of the actions rolled to cast spells. To reflect how prevalent Magic is on the Warhammer battlefield my preference is that any activated magic user gets an extra action that can only be used for spell casting. This Spell-casting action can be taken before, after or in between any shooting, moving or charging actions the spell caster wishes to take.
  • Use whatever magic system suits you. 8th Edition “Winds of Magic” system is suitable for major battles. Mordheim or 6th Edition magic rules are probably better suited to smaller conflicts.

Overview Page.

Warhammer 40000 Scrapboard Page

By the Author of the Scrapboard :

Attack, Avoid, Survive: Essential Principles of Self Defence

Available in Handy A5 and US Trade Formats.

Crash Combat Second Edition with additional content.
Epub edition Second Edition with additional content.

Crash Combat Third Edition
Epub edition Third Edition.